Cultura no pós-Norte 2020: sumário executivo

The document outlines a study commissioned by the Regional Directorate of Culture of the North (DRCN) of Portugal to develop a Regional Cultural Strategy following the Norte 2020 program. The study aims to reflect the shared interests of the region and guide investment decisions for the next decade. The analysis involved a comprehensive review of both national and international documents, including the Agenda 2030 and the New European Agenda for Culture, to identify key themes and align cultural policies with broader strategic goals.

The methodology included qualitative analysis using NVivo software to categorize responses from a questionnaire focused on cultural policies from 2017 to 2030. A total of 51 analytical axes were identified, leading to the creation of word clouds that highlighted the most frequently used terms. The study revealed a disconnect between local cultural needs and the frameworks provided by international documents, indicating that municipalities often struggle to align their priorities with broader cultural agendas.

Key findings emphasised the need for improved cultural governance, better resource allocation, and enhanced community engagement. The document suggests that municipalities should prioritise strategic objectives, investments, and concrete projects to address cultural needs effectively. Recommendations include strengthening cultural institutions, enhancing human resources, and fostering collaboration among various stakeholders to ensure sustainable cultural development in the region.

Overall, the study serves as a foundational step in shaping a cohesive cultural policy that reflects the unique characteristics and aspirations of the Northern region of Portugal, aiming for a more integrated and strategic approach to cultural investment and development in the post-Norte 2020 era.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Observatório de Políticas de Ciência, Comunicação e Cultura (PolObs)
Cultural Strategy, Regional Development, Regional policies, Cultural Governance, Community engagement, Sustainability
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