Cultura no Pós Alentejo-2020

The report investigates the cultural landscape within Alentejo municipalities from 2017 to 2020, focusing on the effectiveness of cultural policies and practices. The study aims to achieve five primary objectives: first, to identify and characterise the dimensions of municipal cultural activities, including governance structures, management tools, financial and human resources, cultural facilities, and community engagement. Second, it seeks to evaluate the perceptions of cultural entities and active agents regarding the significance of culture in the Alentejo 2020 Operational Program. Third, the study aims to outline strategic visions for culture in the region leading up to 2030. Fourth, it intends to gather insights from various stakeholders to propose evaluation indicators and intervention strategies for cultural development. Lastly, the report aims to identify best practices in cultural policies at both national and international levels.

The methodology employed is a mixed approach, integrating both quantitative and qualitative methods, including document analysis, surveys, focus groups, and interviews. This comprehensive approach allows for a nuanced understanding of the cultural sector’s dynamics and challenges.

The results indicate that while municipalities have successfully applied for cultural projects under the Alentejo 2020 program, these efforts are often fragmented and lack alignment with broader regional cultural policies. The absence of formal cultural plans and the predominance of activity plans suggest a reactive rather than proactive approach to cultural governance. Additionally, the findings highlight the need for improved communication regarding funding opportunities and the necessity for training among cultural agents to enhance their capabilities. Overall, the study underscores the importance of developing a cohesive cultural strategy that addresses local needs while fostering collaboration across different levels of governance.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Observatório Português das Atividades Culturais (CIES-Iscte)
Cultural Strategy, Regional Development, Regional policies, Cultural Governance
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