Cultura e Desenvolvimento Local: Maximizar o Impacto

“Culture and local development: maximising the impact: A guide for local governments, communities and museums” discusses the crucial role of museums in local economic development and their impact on communities. It highlights the importance of museums in promoting social and economic benefits, emphasising their potential to contribute to local development strategies. The Museu de Lisboa was involved in the creation of the original version of the document, which serves as a guide for museums and authorities to redefine strategies and enhance collaboration.

Frst published by OCDE and here translated to portuguese, the guide outlines five key areas where museums can actively participate in local development, such as incorporating the role of museums in local development, catalysing social inclusion, and promoting health and well-being. It stresses the need for museums to articulate their objectives and strategies clearly, aligning them with the new definition of museums approved by the ICOM in 2022.

Furthermore, the document emphasises the importance of having a structured implementation plan with clear objectives and performance indicators. It underlines the significance of museums as safe and open spaces that contribute to social capital and community well-being.

The Museu de Lisboa and EGEAC believe that this reference tool can facilitate reflection on the purpose, internal organisation, and community engagement of museums to enhance public service. The document also discusses the cultural and economic value created by museums, citing examples like the Louvre in France and the Musée de beaux-arts in Montreal, Canada.

In conclusion, the guide advocates for museums to actively engage in local development processes, fostering partnerships, and contributing to economic growth and community well-being. It serves as a comprehensive guide for museums to maximise their impact on local development and enhance their role as key players in promoting social and economic progress.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Plano Nacional das Artes, Direção-Geral do Património Cultural, ICOM Portugal, Museum of Lisbon – EGEAC
Museums, Impact, Communities, Community Development
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