Copyright management guidelines for cultural heritage institutions

The Copyright management guidelines for cultural heritage institutions highlight the steps an organisation can take towards the ultimate goal of developing a harmonised approach to copyright management. They focus on establishing adequate workflows to deal with copyright in collection management, providing sufficient copyright support or knowledge and integrating copyright needs in activities and projects.

The guidelines are designed to aid everyone who works in cultural heritage organisations to help their institutions to develop robust and harmonised approaches to copyright management. They can be your aid in project planning, in strategy and team planning and in internal advocacy.

They cover three stages: Phase 1 – Building your organisation’s foundation; Phase 2 – Expansion; and Phase 3 – Integration, which work towards two ultimate goals:

Harmonise all approaches to copyright across your organisation
Harmonise a specific approach to risk management for your organisation

The guidelines were created by the Europeana Copyright Community Steering Group. After the development of a first draft, they were shared with the Copyright Community for comments and feedback. The first draft was refined taking those into consideration. The design of the guidelines was made by Studio Rrook.

Digital Transition
Copyright, Cultural Heritage, Digital Cultural Heritage
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