Conservator-Restorer | Current Status of the Profession in Portugal

This paper delves into the current state of the Conservator-Restorer profession in Portugal, focusing on the role of the Portuguese Conservator-Restorers Professional Association (ARP). It discusses the legal frameworks governing conservation-restoration interventions in the country and highlights the lack of clear regulations for professionals in this field.

On the 2022 E.C.C.O. – European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers’ Organizations – General Assembly and President’s Meeting at Athens, Greece, the cradle of democracy and oratory, the representatives of the European associations of Conservators-Restorers gathered, on the prospect of showing an overview of the current status of the profession in each country. ECCO challenged the professional associations to address the national legal framework of conservation-restoration in each country, debating the “Achievements and directions in the Field of Conservation-Restoration for the sustainable development of Cultural Heritage”.

The paper establishes that efforts are being made to influence policy-making, define the title and competencies of conservator-restorers, and engage with governmental and societal stakeholders. Legislative advancements, such as Law nº 2/2021, aim to regulate entry into the profession and acknowledge the distinctive expertise of conservation-restoration specialists. The document emphasises the importance of recognizing the unique skills and experience required for preserving and conserving national cultural heritage.

As a member of the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers’ Organizations (E.C.C.O.), ARP plays a crucial role in advocating for the profession and ensuring high-quality conservation-restoration practices. By navigating European legal frameworks and fostering collaboration, ARP contributes to the global advancement of the conservation-restoration profession.

Heritage Preservation
David Teves Reis
Regulation, Framework, Legislation, Conservation, Restoration, Cultural Professions
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