Commercial Renewable Energy Development and the Historic Environment

This Historic England Advice Note describes the potential impacts on the historic environment of commercial renewable energy proposals, which could occupy large areas of land or sea. It is written for all of those involved in commercial renewable energy development, helping them to give appropriate consideration to heritage issues.

This document is divided into 3 sections. The first one offers an overview of the renewable energy market trends, key drivers, and related decision-making processes. Section 2 provides advice on the assessment of heritage assets, considering the historic environment and the impacts of commercial renewable energy development. The third section focuses on different types of renewable energy development proposals, including: wind power (onshore and offshore), solar photovoltaics (PV), biomass and energy from waste (EfW).

The Advice Note covers both Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and other large-scale proposals which require assessment under Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regulations to determine what harm might be caused, including to cultural heritage, and whether this can be avoided or reduced. Its purpose is to explain how the historic environment is taken fully into account during the planning and delivery of commercial renewable energy developments.

This statement is intended to support the implementation of historic environment legislation, national policy and related guidance and may appeal to planning officers, local and national heritage professionals, planning consultants, individuals in the renewable energy industry, community groups (including neighbourhood planning groups) and other interested parties.

Green Transition
Historic England
Guy Robinson
United Kingdom
Climate Policy, Climate, Clean Energy, Damage Assessment, Cultural Heritage, Endangered Heritage, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Green, Green Transformation, Green Transition, Heritage, Heritage at Risk, Heritage Conservation, Heritage Preservation, Heritage Protection, Impact Assessment, Risk Assessment, Risk Prevention, Sustainable Development, Historic Environment
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