The guidelines, published by the NEMO Working Group Sustainability and Climate Action, aims at empowering museums to participate actively in the pressing global issues of climate change and sustainability. It includes a convenient checklist and provides concrete solutions, from initiating climate impact assessments to integrating sustainability into working mechanisms and educating on climate change.
These guidelines support museums to make an active contribution to climate and environmental protection at all levels of museums as well as to inspire action towards the sustainable development of society. This guide is structured to provide concrete solutions, from initiating climate impact assessments to integrating sustainability into working mechanisms and educating on climate change.
In four main sections, the reader will learn how to strategically initiate the sustainability process (Get started), which organisational measurements to take (Organise), which fields of action to choose (Act) and how to create a positive change in society (Mobilise). The guidelines are then summarised in a checklist that museums can refer to when analysing climate protection processes in their museums and get advice for their sustainability process.
This guide is suitable both for museums that are getting started and those that already have some experience from working with ecological issues. Practical tools are keys to help the museum sector take its part in its sustainable transition, and collaboration among museums that share the journey towards change is important.