Climate Action Plan 2021

Climate change is an existential threat to the planet, the ecosystems, and the people living in it. The impact of climate change is already affecting every aspect of our lives, including heritage preservation and conservation. In this regard, the attached policy document is a roadmap that outlines Ireland’s strategy to combat climate change. The document outlines the government’s commitment to achieving a 51% reduction in Ireland’s overall greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, and net-zero emissions no later than 2050. The text provides a detailed framework to ensure the necessary structures and processes are in place to deliver national, EU, and international climate goals and obligations in the near and long term.

The policy document highlights the critical nature of the challenge posed by climate change. It presents a consensus on the need for strong and early action to mitigate the magnitude of long-term climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the capacity of carbon sinks such as forests and wetlands. The development of the document is in line with the European Green Deal, which is the new growth strategy that outlines Europe’s response to the challenges posed by climate change. The policy document sets out a roadmap aiming to deliver on Ireland’s climate ambition, which will be updated annually.

The document outlines the strategies that must be devised to manage and reduce climate change’s risks through a combination of mitigation and adaptation responses. This requires innovative solutions that account for emerging technologies, changing scientific consensus, or policies to meet the full ambition. The government’s approach, which mirrors the Danish model, recognizes the need for intense evaluation before making further allocations within the carbon budget.

Heritage enthusiasts and professionals must recognize that climate change is one of the most significant threats to our cultural heritage. The attached policy document provides a comprehensive framework to reduce the risk that climate change poses to our natural and cultural heritage. It shows a clear commitment by the Irish government to contribute to the global effort to prevent climate change and preserve our shared heritage for future generations.

Green Transition
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Risk Mitigation, European Green Deal, Carbon Emissions, Carbon Budget, Natural Heritage
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