CISOC – Compromisso de Impacto Social das Organizações Culturais: porquê, para quê, como e com quem?

This Webinar, titled “Human Library, deconstructing prejudice” focuses on the Commitment to the Social Impact of Cultural Organisations”, the reasons for its development, its objectives, methodologies and target audiences.

Cultural institutions are not neutral. Because of their mission, because they intervene in the public space, in the way they relate to communities, in the decisions they make, how and what they programme, in the way they work with production, mediation and access… These choices are political and never neutral, even if they may be ill-considered.

How can cultural organisations serve life and be relevant? How do they resist becoming instruments of oppression for one class or group over others? How can they avoid crystallising notions of identity and history, reproducing prejudice and exclusion? How can they treat people, in their plurality and diversity, as collaborators and not mere consumers? How do they help to emancipate citizens and get them to participate more actively in collective life? How do they promote healthy democracy? How do they assume themselves as educational spaces and times?

This Commitment to the Social Impact of Cultural Organisations is a tool (theoretical and practical) to help the managers and teams of these organisations become increasingly relevant to the communities they serve, promoting more responsible and effective cultural citizenship.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Rede Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas, Plano Nacional das Artes, CIES-Iscte
Museums, Impact, Communities, Community Development
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