Carta do Porto Santo: A cultura e a promoção da democracia: para uma cidadania cultural europe (Porto Santo Charter: Culture and the promotion of democracy: towards a European cultural citizenship)ia

The Porto Santo Conference, an initiative under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, introduces the Porto Santo Charter as a guiding framework for cultural democracy in Europe. Addressed to policymakers at various levels, cultural and educational organisations, and European citizens, the Charter aims to emphasise the cultural sector’s impact on strengthening democracy, aligning with the goals outlined in the Action Plan for European Democracy.

In response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Charter recognises the transformative power of culture in achieving common objectives such as promoting recovery, cohesion, European values, social model strengthening, and fostering a globally open Europe. Acknowledging the pandemic’s impact on cultural participation and inequalities, the Charter calls for the removal of barriers and the transformation of culture into an inclusive platform to contribute to the sustainable development of the European project.

Drawing inspiration from various international documents, including the Faro Convention, Key Competences for life-long learning, Seoul Declaration, and others, the Charter underscores the importance of cultural rights and the social impact of culture. It is the culmination of a collaborative process involving representatives from EU Member States, European Institutions, Associations, and Networks in the cultural and educational sectors. Presented in Porto Santo, an ultra-peripheral European region, the Charter symbolises a beacon guiding cultural and educational policies towards a more plural, inclusive, and safe Europe. Overall, the Porto Santo Charter serves as a comprehensive roadmap promoting cultural democracy and fostering positive changes within the European cultural landscape.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Portugal, National Plan for the Arts, Council of the European Union
Participation, Cultural Democracy, Accessibility, Digital Transition
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