Biodeterioration of majolica glazed tiles by the fungus Devriesia imbrexigena

The article investigates the fungal bioreceptivity and biodeterioration of historical glazed tiles, focusing on the influence of ageing on these processes. Two sets of tile models, pristine and artificially aged, were subjected to a 12-month laboratory colonization experiment with fungal inoculation. The study revealed the formation of biogenic calcium oxalate compounds as a result of fungal biodeterioration, with no correlation found between bioreceptivity and ageing degree.

The research employed digital image analysis to quantify fungal growth on the glazed tiles, showing slow colonization by Devriesia imbrexigena over the 12-month period. Scanning electron microscopy highlighted crystal formation intertwined with fungal hyphae on the glazed surfaces. The study also explored the impact of nutrient availability on fungal growth, suggesting that the low permeability and surface roughness of the tiles retained culture medium nutrients, facilitating fungal growth throughout the incubation period.

Furthermore, the article discusses the limitations of current biomass estimation methods and proposes the use of real-time quantitative PCR for more accurate quantification. The research contributes valuable insights into the complex interactions between fungi and glazed surfaces, shedding light on the mechanisms of biodeterioration in historical ceramic materials. By employing a multi-analytical approach, including microscopy and spectroscopy techniques, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of fungal colonization and its effects on glazed tile surfaces.

Overall, the findings enhance our knowledge of fungal bioreceptivity and biodeterioration processes in historical glazed tiles, offering implications for conservation and preservation strategies in cultural heritage contexts.

Heritage Preservation
Mathilda L. Coutinho, Ana Zélia Miller, Alan Phillip, José Mirão, Luís Dias, Miguel Ángel Rogerio-Candelera, Cesáreo Sáiz-Jiménez, Pedro M. Martin-Sanchez, Luís Cerqueira Alves, Maria Filomena Macedo
Tiles, Biodeterioration, Ceramics, Conservation, Preservation, Historic objects
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