Berlin Call to Action

The Berlin Call to Action was presented at the European Cultural Heritage Summit in June 2018 in Berlin. In the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), the statement highlights the role of cultural heritage in fostering unity, diversity, and resilience in European societies. It outlines seven concrete actions.

While emphasising the importance of preserving and transmitting cultural heritage to future generations as a means of bridging the past and the future, the Berlin Call to Action advocates for the development of a European Action Plan for Cultural Heritage. This is to ensure the integration of cultural heritage into key policy agendas and priorities at both European and international levels.

Furthermore, the statement underscores the economic and social benefits of cultural heritage, including its contribution to sustainable development, social cohesion, and job creation. It stresses the need for increased investments in heritage-led regeneration projects that promote creativity, innovation, and community participation. Additionally, the call highlights the significance of education in enhancing public engagement and understanding of cultural heritage, particularly through history education and heritage interpretation.

Moreover, the “Berlin Call to Action” urges European states, regions, and cities to collaborate in developing holistic and ambitious policies for cultural heritage. It calls for enhanced dialogue and cooperation between different levels of governance to ensure coherence and complementarity in heritage-related initiatives. The document also emphasises the global responsibility of the European Union in promoting cultural heritage and engaging with partners beyond its borders. Overall, the call advocates for a collective commitment to recognising and harnessing the potential of cultural heritage for the future of Europe.

International Cultural Relations
Europa Nostra, German Cultural Heritage Committee, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation
Cultural Policy, Policies, Policy, Policy-making, EU, European Union, European Year of Cultural Heritage, Preservation, Culture Preservation, Social Cohesion, Sustainable Development, Regeneration, European Cultural Heritage Summit, Advocacy, Public Engagement, Citizen Engagement
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