‘Beneath the storyline’: analysing the role and importance of filmin the preservation and development of Scottish heritage sites

This article delves into the increasing integration of popular culture within the management of cultural heritage sites across Scotland. It explores how heritage professionals navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by a rising number of film and television productions seeking to use these sites as locations. Through in-depth interviews with fifteen professionals from diverse management levels and locations, the article identifies three primary approaches shaping the presentation and preservation of Scottish heritage.

One approach highlighted is the utilitarian perspective, which underscores the economic benefits of accommodating filming at heritage sites. Professionals acknowledge the financial gains and enhanced visitor appeal generated by media exposure. Conversely, the critical-representational approach reflects concerns among practitioners regarding the portrayal of Scottish heritage in popular media. There is a nuanced critique of romanticized or oversimplified depictions, prompting strategies to address and diversify these representations.

The integrative approach emerges as a proactive strategy to broaden the scope of heritage representation. By embracing popular culture, professionals aim to redefine and democratize the narrative of Scottish heritage. This approach seeks to include diverse voices and histories, challenging traditional, authoritative interpretations.

Moreover, the article discusses the broader implications of these interactions between heritage management and popular culture. It raises questions about the long-term economic sustainability and cultural impacts of leveraging heritage sites for media production and tourism. While acknowledging the benefits, such as increased visibility and audience engagement, it also highlights potential challenges and dependencies that may arise from this evolving relationship.

Overall, this exploration underscores the evolving role of popular culture in shaping the management and interpretation of Scottish heritage sites. It advocates for a balanced approach that harnesses the benefits of media exposure while critically examining and expanding upon its representations to foster inclusive and multi-dimensional heritage narratives.

Heritage Preservation
Rosa Schiavone, Stijn Reijnders, Amanda Brandellero
United Kingdom
Film, Tourism, Heritage Sites, Heritage Management
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