Atomrechtliche Verfahrensverordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Februar 1995 (BGBl. I S. 180), die zuletzt durch Artikel 2 Absatz 5 des Gesetzes vom 4. Dezember 2023 (BGBl. 2023 I Nr. 344) geändert worden ist (Nuclear Energy Procedural Ordinance)

The Administrative Procedure Ordinance (AtVfV) provides a comprehensive framework for administrative procedures in Germany, ensuring transparency, fairness, and efficiency in public administration. Its primary purpose is to regulate the processes by which administrative decisions are made, enhancing accountability and consistency across various levels of government.

This ordinance sets out clear guidelines for the conduct of administrative procedures, including the initiation, investigation, and resolution of administrative matters. It emphasises the importance of due process, requiring that all parties involved in an administrative procedure are given a fair opportunity to present their case. This includes provisions for the right to be heard, access to information, and the obligation for authorities to provide reasons for their decisions.

A key component of the AtVfV is its focus on transparency. The ordinance mandates that administrative procedures are conducted in a manner that is open and accessible to the public. This includes requirements for the publication of administrative acts, the maintenance of public registers, and the provision of information upon request. By promoting transparency, the ordinance aims to build public trust in the administrative process and ensure that decisions are made in an accountable manner.

In terms of its impact on heritage, the AtVfV plays a crucial role in the preservation and protection of cultural heritage within administrative procedures. By establishing clear guidelines for the handling of administrative matters related to heritage conservation, the ordinance ensures that decisions affecting cultural heritage are made in a systematic and considered manner. This includes the requirement for thorough investigations and the consideration of expert opinions in cases involving heritage sites and artefacts.

Moreover, the ordinance supports the safeguarding of cultural heritage by promoting transparency and public participation in administrative processes. By ensuring that information about administrative decisions affecting heritage is publicly accessible, the AtVfV enables stakeholders, including local communities and heritage organisations, to engage with and contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage.

Additionally, the ordinance’s emphasis on due process and the right to be heard ensures that all parties affected by administrative decisions related to heritage have the opportunity to present their views. This inclusive approach helps to balance the interests of different stakeholders and supports the sustainable management of cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the Administrative Procedure Ordinance (AtVfV) provides a robust framework for administrative procedures in Germany, promoting transparency, fairness, and accountability. Its provisions ensure that administrative decisions are made in a systematic and transparent manner, enhancing public trust in the administrative process. The ordinance also has a significant impact on heritage conservation, ensuring that decisions affecting cultural heritage are made with due consideration and public participation, thereby supporting the sustainable preservation of Germany’s cultural heritage.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Bundesministerium der Justiz
Administrative procedures, Transparency, Environmental Impact Assessment, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Nuclear energy
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