Article 311-4-2 du Code Pénal – Vol d’un bien culturel (Article 311-4-2 of the Criminal Code – Theft of cultural property)

This legislation emphasises the protection of classified movable objects, private archival documents, archaeological discoveries, and cultural property in public domain locations. Violations of these provisions incur significant penalties, including imprisonment and substantial fines. The law aims to deter theft and unauthorised removal of culturally significant items, ensuring their safeguarding for future generations.

By imposing strict consequences for theft of heritage items, the legislation serves as a deterrent against illicit activities that threaten the integrity and preservation of cultural artefacts. It underscores the importance of respecting and preserving historical and archaeological treasures, whether they are housed in museums, libraries, or other public institutions. The financial penalties associated with these offences underscore the gravity of compromising the cultural heritage of a nation and the global community.

Overall, this legislation plays a crucial role in safeguarding the rich tapestry of cultural heritage by establishing clear boundaries and consequences for those who seek to exploit or damage it.

Heritage Preservation
French Ministry of Culture
Cultural Property, Cultural Goods, Classified establishments, Public spaces, Public Space, Penalties, illegal actions, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Protection, Protection, Artefacts, theft
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