Arte, Reinvenção e Futuros Práticas Artísticas na Comunidade PARTIS 2019-2022

This book delves into the diverse experiences arising from 14 projects developed in different parts of Portugal, each with its own specificities. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the artistic and social initiatives within the context of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s PARTIS initiative.

The book serves as a critical handbook of practices and reflections on the transformative power of art, advocating for harmony between artistic demands and the effectiveness of participation. The document highlights the importance of equitable access to artistic creation and cultural participation, emphasising the role of art in developing skills, strengthening identity and belonging, and building resilient communities. It presents narratives of the supported projects, incorporating testimonies, reflections, and learnings from external evaluation teams and the foundation itself. The text is underpinned by various kinds of material, associating each narrative with key moments of the projects, such as audio and video recordings, field diaries, interviews, and photographs.

Furthermore, the document outlines the process of co-construction and shared authorship, reflecting a dialogical approach of permanent collaboration to value the specificity of each project. It underscores the richness of diversity and the activation of critical thinking as fundamental characteristics of artistic practices. Additionally, the document discusses the foundation’s strategic priorities, including the promotion of the right of all people to cultural participation and the intensification of support for artists and organisations working in these fields.

Overall, this document provides valuable insights into the intersection between art and society, offering a decentralised portrait of a country at a particular moment in its history. It is a significant resource for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage, shedding light on the evolving landscape of participatory art and its impact on communities.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Portuguese, English
Art, Participation, Inclusion, Community
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