Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Communauté française relatif aux titres de trésor culturel vivant et de chef-d’oeuvre du patrimoine oral et immatériel et à l’octroi des subventions accordées aux personnes ayant reçu ce titre et aux opérateurs organisant les manifestations auxquelles ces titres ont été décernés

This legislation outlines the procedures and criteria for designating living cultural treasures and masterpieces of oral and intangible heritage in the French Community. It establishes a framework for recognizing individuals and events that embody and preserve cultural heritage. The document emphasises the importance of continuity, identity, and aesthetic qualities in cultural manifestations, encouraging their active participation and transmission within communities.

One key aspect of the legislation is the process for applying for subsidies to support the preservation and promotion of cultural manifestations. It details the objectives of these subsidies, including funding for equipment, recording practices, and maintaining heritage-related activities. The document also specifies the percentage of the subsidy and conditions for its utilisation, aiming to ensure the sustainability and accessibility of cultural heritage initiatives.

Furthermore, the legislation addresses the responsibilities of operators organising intangible cultural heritage events. It highlights the need for transparency, communication, and collaboration in showcasing and safeguarding cultural practices. By setting clear guidelines for the recognition and support of cultural treasures, the legislation aims to foster a sense of pride, belonging, and cultural richness within the community.

Overall, this legislation plays a crucial role in promoting the preservation and celebration of cultural heritage in the French Community. It provides a structured approach to identifying and supporting living cultural treasures and masterpieces of oral and intangible heritage, contributing to the vitality and diversity of cultural expressions. Through its provisions and criteria, the legislation seeks to empower individuals and communities to safeguard and share their unique cultural heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Designation, Cultural Manifestation, Cultural events, Cultural Heritage, Community engagement, community involvement, Community Participation, Financial help, Financial Instruments, Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Promoting cultural heritage, Intangible, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Intangible Heritage, Collaboration, Cultural Identity, Identity, Diversity, cultural diversity
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