Aplicação do Método ABC de gestão de riscos para o patrimônio cultural: duas experiências brasileiras

The article delves into the detailed application of a risk management methodology in the realm of preventive conservation of cultural heritage, with a specific focus on two distinct Brazilian experiences carried out by the teams at Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa and Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.

The primary objective of this methodology is to bolster the efficacy of preventive conservation efforts by systematically addressing risks that could potentially impact cultural assets. By sharing and analysing these experiences, the article aims to broaden awareness and advocate for proactive measures in the realm of heritage preservation, taking into account crucial factors such as sustainability and the promotion of accessibility to cultural resources.

The implementation of the Method ABC of risk management involves a series of structured stages, including contextual establishment, technical discussions, and the development of value diagrams for cultural heritage items. Through a meticulous analysis of risks and uncertainties, the methodology aids in prioritising critical risks for treatment, with a focus on three extreme priority risks identified for immediate attention.

The comprehensive approach adopted by these institutions not only contributes to advancing knowledge in the field of preventive conservation but also sets a precedent for innovative risk management strategies in the Brazilian context. These initiatives serve as pioneering examples that can inspire and guide other cultural institutions and organisations in adopting similar risk management methodologies to safeguard and preserve their cultural heritage assets effectively. The ongoing commitment to continuous risk treatment, policy formulation, and knowledge sharing underscores the importance of proactive risk management in ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage for future generations.

Heritage Preservation
Claudia S. Rodrigues de Carvalho, Carla Maria Teixeira Coelho
Preventive Conservation, Risk Management, Valorisation, Cultural Heritage Institutions, Brazil
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