Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979

The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 is a law in the United Kingdom that provides protection and management for ancient monuments and archaeological sites. It applies to sites that are located in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

The Act establishes a system of control for the investigation, excavation, and destruction of ancient monuments and archaeological areas. The law prohibits the unauthorised alteration, damage, or removal of such sites, and provides for penalties for offences committed under this law. The act establishes a system to identify, protect, and maintain such monuments for future generations. The legislation has undergone a number of amendments over time, including the most recent in 2016 and 2017.

The act is divided into five parts. The first part deals with the preservation of ancient monuments, outlining the process of scheduling monuments, and listing the powers of the Secretary of State and local authorities for protecting the monuments. The second part explains the powers of local authorities in relation to the repair, maintenance, and access of ancient monuments. The third one outlines the establishment of the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, known as English Heritage, and the Welsh Historic Monuments Agency. The fourth part sets out the sources of funding for the preservation of ancient monuments, while the fifth part deals with miscellaneous provisions and penalties for violation of the Act.

Overall, the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 is a significant legal framework for the preservation and management of the UK’s rich cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
UK Parliament
United Kingdom
Ancient Monuments, Archaeological Site, Archaelogical Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Heritage, Heritage Protection, Protection, Damage Assessment
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