All Areas Access: Um inquérito com públicos S/surdos

Three partners of the European project All Areas Access – Ausgang (IT), Acesso Cultura (PT) and Beit Company (BE) – carried out a survey among D/deaf people who attend concerts, either frequently or rarely. The survey aimed at understanding how they experience these events, what types of services would be useful to improve access for them and suggestions for future implementations and improvements.

The majority of respondents were from Italy, with a significant portion from Portugal. Most respondents were in the 26-40 age group, and social media and specific channels were their main sources of information about events. However, some respondents in Belgium were only directed to websites through social media. The survey revealed that the majority of services for D/deaf people are never found in clubs, indicating a lack of accessibility. Interestingly, younger audiences value the existence of vibrating tools more than older audiences. Additionally, there were useful suggestions for improved access, such as the induction loop being highly useful in Portugal and various suggestions for improved access in Italy and Belgium.

The survey also highlighted the interest in music, playing instruments, and attending concerts among the respondents. Overall, the survey provided valuable insights into the experiences and needs of D/deaf people attending concerts, shedding light on the importance of accessibility and the potential for improvements in this area.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Acesso Cultura, Ausgang, Beit Company
Accessibility, Disability, Social Inclusion, Music
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