Além do Físico: Barreiras à Participação Cultural Um périplo pelas Comunidades Intermunicipais de Portugal

In 2017, Acesso Cultura, with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, organised the “Beyond the Physical: Barriers to Cultural Participation” conferences in all of the country’s Intermunicipal Communities (21) and in the Autonomous Regions (2).

This report proposes to create a record of what was learnt and what the participants shared with the two entities – through surveys and evaluation forms, but also in the discussion that took place during the conferences themselves. This data is complemented by six interviews with those responsible for the projects being developed in various arts of the country.

A total of 477 cultural professionals participated in these conferences. The majority of participants reported gaining a broader view on access and a new awareness, realising that small details can help generate significant improvements. The importance of constant reflection and debate, as well as the need to put oneself in others’ shoes, were highlighted. The initiative also led to the rediscovery of the mission of public libraries and emphasised the importance of questioning assumptions.

Furthermore, there was a recognized need for professional training for artists with disabilities and the promotion of audience circulation through partnerships with other entities. The report highlights the two main objectives of the reflection days: sharing a holistic view of “access” and creating a greater awareness of the role and responsibilities of cultural professionals in creating barriers to access.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Acesso Cultura
Culture, Participation, Accessibility
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