Accessibilty of Cultural Heritage: Session at the 9th Informed Cities Froum

This session of Informed Cities Forum delves into the intersection of heritage, accessibility, and cultural preservation within the European context. It explores the impact of electric mobility on heritage sites and historical centres across Europe, highlighting the need to address accessibility in the face of this shift. It emphasises the importance of making cultural heritage and digital culture accessible to all, framing it as a fundamental human right. It discusses the efforts of organisations such as Acta Vista in France, Acesso Cultura in Portugal, and Liminal Access to Culture in Greece, which focus on various aspects of accessibility to cultural heritage, including social, economic, physical, and sensorial accessibility.

Accessibilty of Cultural Heritage underscores the significance of integrating different social groups in the process of conserving and co-creating cultural heritage, both physical and intangible. It advocates for the inclusion of accessibility considerations in budget planning from the outset, rather than treating it as an afterthought. This session also touches on the potential of digital solutions to bridge generations and different audiences, as well as to enable two-way access to cultural collections, extending their reach to remote or disadvantaged communities.

Overall, the session provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding accessibility in the preservation and enjoyment of European heritage. It offers a comprehensive overview of the current landscape, highlighting the diverse approaches and initiatives aimed at making cultural heritage more inclusive and accessible. Professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage will find this video to be a rich source of information and a catalyst for further discussions and actions towards ensuring equitable access to cultural heritage across Europe.

Digital Transition, Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
ICLEI Europe
Accessibility, Carbon Footprint, Conservation, Creativity, Digital Access, Disability Assistance, Inclusion
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