Access of young people to culture

The central focus of the study is the access of young people to culture, highlighting the importance of engaging the youth in heritage activities and fostering a sense of belonging and identity. The report underscores the role of cultural activities in empowering young individuals, promoting creativity, and contributing to personal development. It also explores the obstacles that young people face in accessing cultural opportunities, providing insights into successful examples and initiatives from various European countries.

Moreover, the study delves into the evolving landscape of youth culture in Europe, identifying common elements and trends that shape the cultural experiences of young individuals. It emphasises the need for inclusive strategies that promote social cohesion, anti-discrimination, and equality through cultural participation. The document offers a series of recommendations aimed at European institutions and Member States, as well as to the civil society, to enhance access to culture for young people, foster intercultural dialogue, and leverage new technologies for cultural engagement.

In conclusion, this study offers a detailed analysis of current trends and challenges of European heritage and serves as a valuable resource for understanding its complexities and opportunities. Specifically, it offers actionable insights and recommendations to support the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage for present and future generations.

Digital Transition, Inclusion & Accessibility
Directorate-General for education, Youth,Sport and Culture, Interarts
Cultural Heritage, Cultural Policy, Social Inclusion, Youth, Digital Heritage
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