A new boost of energy for the old NRE site: Creating a new lease of life for Eindhoven’s heritage sites, together with the city

This case study delves into the revitalization of the NRE site in Eindhoven, focussing on the process of restoring its historic and cultural heritage while designing new buildings. The project involved extensive community collaboration and interactive design processes, resulting in a unique urban development approach. This resource highlights the challenges, successes, and key insights.

The NRE site, once a former factory site, underwent a significant transformation, evolving into a vibrant city neighbourhood with diverse functions. The municipality’s initial goal of constructing 350 homes faced setbacks due to the financial crisis and the withdrawal of an energy company, leading to a re-evaluation of the development process.

The restoration process involved workshops, work group consultations, and interactive design sessions with various stakeholders, including potential residents, hospitality entrepreneurs, municipal officers, and the Van Abbe Foundation. Despite initial challenges and diverse interests, the collaborative approach proved instrumental in achieving the project’s objectives.

This resource outlines the municipality’s commitment to preserving the historic industrial character of the site while incorporating inspiring stories, construction plans, and intentions of the preferred candidates into the redevelopment process. It emphasizes the importance of community involvement, trust-building, and transparent decision-making in fostering successful and sustainable urban development.

The resource also discusses the site’s attraction to creative individuals and the positive impact of decision-making processes involving end-users. It also reflects on the lessons learned, emphasizing the significance of flexibility, innovation, and the municipality’s role in facilitating connections and fostering a sense of ownership among residents and users. The document offers lessons and best practices for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European heritage, particularly those involved in urban development, historic preservation, and community engagement.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Gemeente Eindhoven, ROCK Project, HORIZON
Netherlands, Netherlands
Redevelopment, Collaboration, City, Urban Development, Community, Historic Preservation, Revitalisation, Community engagement, Industrial Heritage, Decision-making
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