A Guide To Climate Change Impacts

This guide on adapting Scotland’s historic places to the impacts of climate change was commissioned and developed by the Our Place in Time Climate Change Working Group of Historic Environment Scotland.

Our Place in Time is Scotland’s strategy for the historic environment. It sets out a vision of how the country’s historic environment can be understood, valued, cared for and enjoyed. To develop this guide, the Climate Change Working Group operated with partners from across the historic environment sector and beyond.The aim of this guide is to open up conversations. It can be used to identify and share climate change adaptation solutions, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of Scotland’s historic environment.

The paper identifies many of the risks and hazards of climate change that are facing Scotland’s historic environment and offers owners, local communities and carers of historic sites routes to take action, to implement adaptation measures and enhance resilience to climate change. Divided into seven distinct elements, the guide provides a tool for assessing the different hazards and levels of risk that threaten different types of sites in Scotland’s historic environment.

This publication was produced to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change on the historic environment, improve the knowledge base of custodians/owners of historic assets, form the foundation of climate change risk assessments for specific assets, prompt consideration of what possible climate change adaptation solutions may be most appropriate for certain historic assets, and to identify gaps in knowledge and point people in the direction of relevant resources and research.

Green Transition, Heritage Preservation
Historic Environment Scotland
David Harkin, Dr Ewan Hyslop, Hazel Johnson, Emily Tracey
United Kingdom
Guideline, Historic Environment, Climate Change, Climate impacts, Climate Adaptation, Resilience, Resilient Heritage, Adaptation Strategy, Risk Assessment, Heritage at Risk, Risk Management, Hazard, local community, Heritage Assets, Knowledge, Community Knowledge
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