A empregabilidade no sector da Conservação e Restauro em Portugal

This report presents findings from a survey conducted by the Associação Profissional de Conservadores-restauradores de Portugal, aiming to assess the employability and employment status of conservation and restoration professionals. Authored by Luís Pereira, Rui Camara Borges, Mariana Cardoso, David Reis, and Elis Marçal, the report reveals that the majority of individuals trained in conservation and restoration have been successfully integrated into the job market, with only 5% being unemployed.

The data indicates a high level of education among respondents, with 14.2% holding a doctoral degree. Furthermore, it highlights the recent nature of the profession, as 98% of respondents completed their training after the year 2000. The report also emphasises the challenges faced by professionals, including the difficulty in pursuing specialisation and the inadequacy of existing training offerings in national higher education institutions. It underscores the prevalence of self-employment and employment in the private sector within the field. Additionally, it sheds light on the need for professionals to assume multiple responsibilities due to limited human resources in various institutional contexts.

The findings suggest that the profession requires individuals to possess a broad range of skills and experience, with 61.7% of respondents having expertise in three or more specialties. Overall, the report provides valuable insights into the dynamics of the conservation and restoration profession in Portugal, highlighting both its opportunities and challenges.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
Conservation, Restoration, Employment, Labor, Working Conditions
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