A conservação e restauro na reabilitação. As funções do conservador-restaurador em projecto e execução de obra

This text delves into the significance of conservation and restoration within urban rehabilitation projects, stressing the pivotal role of conservator-restorers in these endeavours. It advocates for a more proactive involvement of conservator-restorers in the planning and execution phases to ensure the safeguarding of authentic heritage values.

The Professional Association of Conservators-Restorers of Portugal was present at the 2019 AR&PA – Iberian Biennial of Cultural Heritage in Loulé, where it took on the responsibility of organising the Conservation & Restoration Talks seminar, on the theme of “Rehabilitating: an unavoidable dimension of cultural heritage?”, with the opening text “Conservation and restoration in rehabilitation. The functions of the conservator-restorer in project and work execution”.

The text underscores the challenges and complexities of preserving cultural heritage in urban settings, particularly in the face of budget constraints and architectural design limitations. It also addresses various approaches to handling existing urban structures, including rehabilitation, revitalization, and adaptation, each aiming to enhance or maintain cultural identity.

Furthermore, the text calls for improved legislation and the incorporation of conservation and restoration principles into urban rehabilitation projects. It highlights the need for interdisciplinary collaboration, involving fields such as archaeology, anthropology, and conservation, to address the multifaceted aspects of heritage preservation effectively. The conservator-restorer’s expertise in recognizing authenticity, assessing risks of heritage loss, and devising technical solutions for safeguarding heritage assets is emphasised. Despite being typically engaged in the implementation phase of predefined projects, the conservator-restorer’s role is deemed crucial in maintaining the integrity of cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation
Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
Conservation, Restoration, heritage professionals, Qualification
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