Regulation on Governing The Urban Commons in the City of Turin

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the governance and evaluation of urban commons in the city of Turin. It outlines the principles, methodologies, and processes involved in the shared governance, care, and management of urban commons, emphasizing the importance of transparency, participation, and collaborative ownership. The regulation delves into the evaluation of activities carried out under civic deals, highlighting the need for clarity, comparability, and independence in the evaluation process. It also addresses the social value and financial aspects of these activities, emphasizing the preparation of transparent financial balance sheets.

Furthermore, the document details the procedures for the governance of urban commons, including the integration of multiple proposals and the role of the Technical Board and City Council in the selection process. It also discusses the publication of proposals, advances, and results related to civic deals on the city’s website, enabling public scrutiny and evaluation – highlighting the exemptions, concessions, and charges related to urban commons. It provides insights into the city’s regulatory framework for these aspects.

This regulation emphasises the importance of public consultation, outlining the steps involved in identifying urban commons for collaboration, approving guidelines for their regeneration, and collecting proposals for their care and management. It underscores the significance of communication and inclusiveness in the governance of urban commons, advocating for the use of various communication channels to inform and engage the community in these initiatives.

Turin, also in the interest of future generations, protects the assets that the community recognizes as urban commons as they are functional to the exercise of the fundamental rights of people in their ecological and urban context. Mutual trust, transparency and participation in decision-making processes, inclusiveness, collaborative care, polycentric and collective ownership or stewardship, are fundamental principles in the governance of urban commons. Assets and resources are recognized as commons upon the initiative of civic subjects or at the request of the City Administration. Pacts of Collaboration between the City Administration and civic subjects define the shared governance programme.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
City of Turin
Participation, Urban Commons, Rights, Governance, Public Space, Stewardship, City, Collaboration, public scrutiny, public consultations, Community engagement, Urban Regeneration, Inclusive Cities, Citizen Participation, Decision-making
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