საქართველოს ტურიზმის სტრატეგია 2025 (Georgian Tourism Strategy 2025)

This document presents a concise overview of Georgia’s Tourism Strategy, offering a roadmap for enhancing Georgia’s tourist industry, preserving and highlighting its cultural heritage, and promoting sustainable development. The strategy, developed by the Georgian National Tourism Administration, identifies eight strategic objectives for the development of Georgian Tourism sector, encompassing over 50 priority actions.

The first objective is to respect, preserve, and enrich Georgia’s natural and cultural heritage, which includes designing tourism product strategies, offering technical assistance programs and community development grants to entrepreneurs and local communities, creating unique visitor experiences that promote the preservation of Georgian heritage, and improving environmental regulation compliance for the tourism industry.
The second objective is to create exceptional visitor experiences, leveraging Georgia’s natural and cultural assets, including improving coordination between tourism industry, site management entities, and local communities/government, improving infrastructure, and facilitating public-private partnerships with investments. The third objective is to deliver world-class visitor services to enhance competitiveness, while the fourth objective is to attract higher-spending markets through more effective marketing and promotion.
The fifth objective is to enhance Georgia’s ability to collect and analyze tourism data and measure industry performance. The sixth objective is to enhance the business environment to facilitate increased domestic and foreign investment, and the seventh objective is to expand public and private sector investment in tourism. Finally, the eighth objective seeks to nurture partnerships between government, communities, non-governmental organizations, and industry players to achieve the above objectives.

The comprehensive action plan and priority strategic objectives provide an excellent guide for tourism stakeholders, and the clear description will appeal to professionals and enthusiasts who want to gain insight into the strategic landscape of the Georgian National Tourism Administration.

Digital Transition, Green Transition
Georgian National Tourism Administration
Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Management, Tourism Development, Cultural Resources, Natural Resources, Visitors
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