ՀՀ օրենքը «Մշակութային օրենսդրության հիմունքների մասին» (Law on the Fundamentals of Cultural Legislation)

The “On the Fundamentals of Cultural Legislation” law of the Republic of Armenia, accepted on November 20, 2002, outlines the foundational principles and structures guiding the nation’s cultural policy. The law’s primary objectives are to ensure and protect the constitutional rights of Armenian citizens to freedom of speech, creativity, and participation in cultural life. It aims to regulate the relationships between participants in cultural activities, define the principles of state cultural policy, and provide legal bases for state support to culture while ensuring non-interference in the creative process.

The state cultural policy is organized through various programs—annual, three-year, and prospective—that focus on the preservation, dissemination, and development of culture. These programs are presented by the Government and approved by the National Assembly, thus becoming law. The main principles of state cultural policy include democratic and public management in the field of culture, freedom of cultural and creative activities, accessibility to cultural values, prioritization of national cultural values of international importance, and the independence of cultural organizations.

The goals of the state cultural policy are to raise societal awareness of culture as a development tool, encourage the search for new values and ideas, create conditions for the reproduction and development of creative potential, and foster the formation of civil society. The cultural legislation comprises the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, this law, and other related laws and legal acts, with international treaty norms taking precedence when applicable.

Key concepts defined in the law include culture, cultural activity, cultural values, cultural goods, cultural non-commercial organizations, creative activity, creative workers, unions of creative workers, and cultural heritage and wealth of Armenia. These definitions provide a comprehensive understanding of the cultural framework and its components, ensuring structured and coherent development and support of cultural activities in Armenia.

ՀՀ օրենքը «Մշակութային օրենսդրության հիմունքների մասին»

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility, International Cultural Relations
National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
Cultural values, Cultural Policy, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Goods, Creativity
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