Постанова Кабміну України N1343 Про затвердження Порядку проведення державної експертизи культурних цінностей та розмірів плати за її проведення

This Resolution regulates the issues of state expertise of cultural property declared for export, temporary export and returned to Ukraine after temporary export, as well as seized by customs or law enforcement agencies. To conduct the expertise, the applicant shall submit to the Ministry of Culture or an authorized organization a written application indicating the purpose of export, temporary export from the territory of Ukraine of cultural property from the territory of Ukraine and presents an identity document. An official of the Ministry of Culture or an art historian conducts preliminary expertise of the object, if necessary, recommends other types of expertise and appoints an expert.
The expert opinion shall state the authenticity of the object, author, title and its attributive description. The expert opinion must contain a reasoned recommendation on the expediency of including the object in the State Register of National Cultural Heritage and the possibility of exporting it from the territory of Ukraine. Expert opinion on objects that have been temporarily exported from the territory of Ukraine and returned to Ukraine should contain an assessment of the state of preservation of the object.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Кабінет Міністрів України
Cultural Property, State expertise, Objects of material and spiritual culture
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