The “Resilience Strategy 2030” aims to create a city that is Affordable, Green, Proactive and Vibrant through 65 actions and 53 sub-actions. Each pillar is broken down into specific objectives through which the municipality will assess its progress with specific indicators:
– Affordable city: Measures to promote transparency and accountability, simplify municipal procedures, foster cooperation and a sense of responsibility.
– Green City: Measures to support environmental infrastructure within the urban fabric and make efficient use of the cities’ waste. The aim is to promote sustainable mobility and co-create public spaces as well as to support a sustainable and equitable energy and food policy.
– Proactive city: Measures to strengthen planning in the face of major crises, i.e. support public administration and strengthen the role of local communities as well as the partnerships at local level.
– Vibrant City: Measures to strengthen the identity of the municipality, maximise the city’s resources and support employment.
The Strategy was developed with the guidance of the international network “100 Resilient Cities” of Rockefeller Foundation. Athens’ resilience strategy is supported by and framed by other local strategic documents, regional, national and international documents, such as the New Regulatory Plan of Athens Attica (Government Gazette 156/A/2014), the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PESPKA) of Attica, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Strategy of Athens, the Integrated Urban Intervention Plan (IUP) for the centre of Athens (Government Gazette 64/B/16-1-2015),and the Integrated Urban Intervention Plan (IAPP) for the centre of Athens (Government Gazette 64/B/16-1-2015).