Περιφερειακά Χωροταξικά Πλαίσια

The “Regional Spatial Frameworks (RSF)” are sets of texts, maps and/or diagrams, which provide guidelines for spatial development and organisation at regional level. In particular, RSFs define the general spatial characteristics of each region, the spatial structure of the main productive sectors and industries, the regional transport networks and the urban development of urban space. They also provide guidelines for the enhancement, promotion and protection of the natural and cultural heritage, the landscape, as well as the residential and architectural environment of each Region.
Moreover, RSFsinclude detailed spatial and developmental guidance for each municipality, focusing on settlement organisation, infrastructure, and environmental protection. They must align with national frameworks, while allowing for adaptations in cases of conflict or ambiguity between regional and national guidelines. There are provisions for monitoring, evaluation, and revision of the frameworks every five years to address new challenges, including unforeseen needs and strategic infrastructure projects.
The RSFs are prepared under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, after informing the relevant Region and under the supervision of joint committees with the Region.In exceptional cases, amendments can be made to adapt to international or national initiatives, or to address natural or technological disasters. The characteristics of the RSFs are described in article 6 of law n. 4447/2016 (amended by law n. 4685/2020 and 5106/2024).
The RSFs of five regions have been published and verified (Northern Aegean, Western Macedonia, Central Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Epirus, Thessaly, the Ionian Islands, Crete, Central Greece and Western Greece), while others are under public consultation (e.g. Southern Aegean, Western Macedonia and Peloponnese).

Green Transition
Hellenic Republic
Regional Policy, Spatial Planning, Natural Heritage, Environmental Protection, Regional policies
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