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  • Política Nacional de Arquitetura e Paisagem (National Architecture and Landscape Policy)

    The National Policy on Architecture and Landscape in Portugal was approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 45/2015 and is a long-term political instrument that brings together different components of the territory, with a view to its sustainability and quality, with the well-being of communities and balanced development at its core, and with education as an indispensable factor. The document outlines key initiatives for the period of 2014-2020, emphasising the importance of creating a network of partners to support the policy’s objectives. It aims to coordinate various initiatives related

    Decreto-lei nº 121/2015, de 30 de junho (Decree-Law No. 121/2015 of June 30 on National System of Qualification and Certification of Traditional Handicraft Productions)

    Decree-law n.º 121/2015, published on June 30, 2015, establishes the National System of Qualification and Certification of Traditional Handicraft Productions (SNQCPAT) in Portugal. This system aims to recognise and promote the importance of traditional craftsmanship in affirming national identity, enhancing cultural diversity, and fostering local development. The decree specifically excludes agricultural and agro-food artisanal products, which are governed by separate regulations. The decree outlines the roles of the IEFP, I.P. (Institute of Employment and Professional Training) in verifying compliance with the new regulations and issuing provisional decisions within ten days.

    ​​Lei nº 54/2015, de 22 de junho: Revelação e do aproveitamento dos recursos geológicos existentes no território nacional (Law no. 54/2015, of June 22: Disclosure and exploitation of geological resources on national territory)

    Law No. 54/2015, enacted on June 22, 2015, primarily focuses on the disclosure and utilisation of geological resources within the national territory, including the maritime space. The law aims to balance the exploration and exploitation of these resources with the preservation of environmental heritage. It emphasises the importance of protecting natural heritage, including geological formations, in the process of resource utilisation. Within the context of heritage preservation, the law establishes guidelines for the responsible disclosure of geological resources to ensure the conservation of natural landscapes and geological features. It recognizes

    Decreto-Lei nº 102/2015, de 5 de junho: Transferência do Sistema de Informação para o Património, SIPA. (Decree-Law no. 102/2015 of 5 June: Transfer of the Heritage Information System, SIPA.

    This Decree-Law makes the second amendment to Decree-Law no. 115/2012, amended by Decree-Law no. 205/2012, which approves the organisational structure of the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC), and the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 175/2012, which approves the organisational structure of the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, I. P. (IHRU, I. P.). (IHRU, I. P.), transferring the attributions and competences relating to the Heritage Information System (SIPA) from IHRU, I. P., to the DGPC. The implementation of this transfer implies the clear definition of mission objectives and the reorganisation

    Decreto-Lei n.º 80/2015, de 14 de maio: Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial (Decree-Law no. 80/2015, of May 14: Legal Framework for Land Management Instruments)

    Decree-Law No. 80/2015 provides a comprehensive framework for territorial planning and urban development in Portugal. It outlines the coordination of national, regional, intermunicipal, and municipal levels of territorial management, setting guidelines for sectoral programs in areas such as defence, environment, transportation, and tourism. The decree-law focuses on the alteration of plans to adapt to changing environmental, economic, and social conditions, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and public consultation processes. One of the key aspects addressed in the decree-law is the reclassification and development of urban land, emphasising the equitable distribution

    Decreto Legislativo Regional nº 3/2015/A: Regime Jurídico de Proteção e Valorização do Património Cultural Móvel e Imóvel (Regional Legislative Decree no. 3/2015/A: Legal Framework for the Protection and Enhancement of Movable and Immovable Cultural Heritage)

    This Regional Legislative Decree from the Azores Autonomous Region establishes a legal framework for the protection and valorisation of movable and immovable cultural heritage. It replaces a previous decree from 2004, aiming to improve the inventory, classification, protection, and valorization of cultural assets based on past experiences. The legislation outlines guidelines for safeguarding classified properties, including maintaining original architectural features during renovations and prohibiting certain alterations. The decree emphasises the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the Azores and unifying regional legislation to simplify the safeguarding process. It sets

    Decreto-Lei n.º 164/2014, de 4 de novembro: Regulamento de Trabalhos Arqueológicos (Decree-Law no. 164/2014, of 4 November: Regulation of Archaeological Works)

    Decree-Law No. 164/2014 focuses on the approval of a new Regulation for Archaeological Works. This decree repeals the previous Decree-Law No. 270/99, amended by Decree-Law No. 287/2000, signalling a need for updated regulations due to the significant increase in archaeological activities. The new Regulation aims to adapt to the current national archaeological landscape, addressing the evolving nature and stakeholders involved in these activities. The decree emphasises the importance of archaeological work in producing historical knowledge, essential for the culture of societies. It highlights the responsibility of archaeologists to engage with

    Lei nº 31/2014, de 30 de maio: Lei de bases gerais da política pública de solos, de ordenamento do território e de urbanismo (Law no. 31/2014, of May 30: Law on the general basis of public policy on soil, land use planning and urban planning)

    Law n.º 31/2014 establishes the fundamental principles of public policy concerning land, territorial planning, and urbanism in Portugal. The law’s primary objective is to provide a framework for sustainable development, efficient land use, and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. It outlines the general guidelines for the management of land resources, emphasising the importance of balancing economic development with environmental conservation. The law requires a comprehensive approach to urban planning, ensuring that infrastructures and facilities are economically sustainable and contribute to the overall well-being of communities. It mandates that

    Lei nº 19/2014, de 14 de abril: bases da política de ambiente (Law no. 19/2014, of April 14: bases of environmental policy)

    Law nº 19/2014 lays down the foundations of environmental policy in alignment with constitutional mandates. This law serves as a guiding beacon for environmental stewardship, delineating the scope, objectives, and general principles that underpin environmental governance in Portugal. It sets out to ensure the effective implementation of policies that safeguard the environment, as enshrined in the Constitution, fostering a sustainable and harmonious relationship between human activities and the natural world. Within the framework of Law 19/2014, key themes emerge, including the preservation of soil and subsoil integrity, combating desertification, and

    Decreto-Lei n.º 132/2013, de 13 de setembro: Conselho Nacional de Cultura (Decree-Law no. 132/2013, of 13 September: National Culture Council)

    This legislation establishes the constitution and functioning of the National Council for Culture and its specialised sections. The CNC is the government’s advisory body for the area of culture. It replaces previous regulations and outlines the mission and competencies of the CNC, which include providing opinions and recommendations on issues relating to the realisation of cultural policy objectives, as well as proposing necessary measures for cultural development, at the request of the member of the Government responsible for the area of culture or the services and bodies in the area

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