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  • Décret déterminant le jour de fête et les emblèmes propres à la Communauté française de Belgique

    This legislation establishes the celebration and symbols of the French-speaking Community of Belgium, emphasising the cultural heritage and identity of the region. It designates September 27th as the official day to commemorate the Community, with specific guidelines for displaying the Community’s coat of arms and flag on public buildings. The decree outlines the unique coat of arms, featuring a bold red rooster on a gold background, symbolising courage and pride. Furthermore, the legislation details the official seal of the Community, incorporating the iconic rooster emblem and the inscription “COMMUNAUTÉ FRANÇAISE

    Laki taidenäyttelyiden valtiontakuusta

    This law provides state guarantees for damages incurred during exhibitions of art, historical, and cultural artefacts. The objectives and scope of the law are precisely defined, and it applies only to non-commercial exhibitions of considerable cultural significance. This law regulates the conditions under which state guarantees for damages to exhibition items incurred by the exhibitor can be granted. It specifies that if damages can be compensated through insurance or another warranty, state guarantees will not be granted. The legislation further indicates the requirements that organising institutions must meet to qualify

    Asetus taidenäyttelyiden valtiontakuusta

    This legislation outlines the government’s policy to support art exhibitions and preserve the country’s historical artefacts and artworks. It establishes the National Board of Antiquities (NBA), in charge of safeguarding and managing the country’s cultural heritage. The board grants state guarantees for art exhibitions, provided they meet certain criteria to support the local and national art scene and promote international cultural exchange. To qualify for the state guarantees, applicants must submit a request detailing the exhibition’s content, including a list of the art pieces, their value, and the proposed exhibition

    Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

    The legislation attached is designed to protect the UK’s architectural and historic heritage. It recognizes the importance of preserving historic buildings and areas of special interest, allowing future generations to appreciate and learn about the past. The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 outlines the procedures that property owners must follow when proposing changes or alterations to listed buildings or buildings located in conservation areas. The document also establishes a list of buildings that are of significant interest and importance, and which require special protection under the law.

    Décret créant une Commission de surveillance de la législation sur la langue française

    This legislation establishes a Commission tasked with overseeing the enforcement of language laws and regulations within the French Community. The Commission consists of 13 members appointed proportionally by the Council, ensuring a diverse representation. It addresses complaints regarding language law violations, conducts investigations, and provides recommendations to ensure compliance. The Commission plays a crucial role in upholding the linguistic heritage and promoting the use of the French language within the community. By receiving and addressing complaints related to language usage, the Commission actively engages with individuals and organisations to safeguard

    Décret relatif aux langues régionales endogènes de la Communauté française

    This legislative decree underscores the vital recognition and safeguarding of regional indigenous languages within the French Community of Belgium. It acknowledges the unique linguistic and cultural identity of individuals who fluently speak a regional indigenous language alongside French, the official language of the Community. It emphasises the intrinsic value of these indigenous languages as integral components of the Community’s cultural heritage. Furthermore, the decree highlights the Community’s responsibility to actively preserve and promote these regional indigenous languages. It stresses the importance of supporting scientific research and encouraging the use of

    Stadnamnlova – stadnl.

    This legislation aims to preserve cultural heritage by providing practical and clear names for places. It was created to ensure that geographical locations in Norway are given a proper written form that is understandable, practical, and useful for the population. One of the main purposes is to recognise the significance of names as part of cultural heritage. The law intends to protect and promote the cultural and linguistic diversity of Norway by conserving place names that are unique to the region. Furthermore, the legislation is also intended to increase awareness

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