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  • Museums and Galleries Act 1992

    This legislation establishes new Boards for galleries and museums, outlining their functions, powers, and responsibilities. It empowers these Boards to acquire and care for heritage objects, provide financial support, and facilitate public access to cultural assets. The Act addresses the composition and governance of galleries and museums Boards, detailing the appointment processes and allowances for trustees and members. Additionally, it sets guidelines for the authentication of documents and the use of official seals to ensure the integrity of heritage-related transactions. Furthermore, the legislation includes provisions for the transfer of land

    Постанова Кабміну України № 466 Про затвердження Положення про Державний реєстр національного культурного надбання

    The Resolution defines and classifies objects that may be included in the State Register of National Cultural Heritage. Historical monuments are buildings, structures, memorials and objects related to the most important historical events in the life of the people, the development of science, technology, culture, and the life and work of prominent figures. Archaeological monuments include settlements, mounds, remains of ancient settlements, fortifications, industries, canals, roads, ancient sites burial sites, stone sculptures, rock images, ancient objects, areas of the historical cultural layer of ancient settlements and archaeological finds that are

    Décret fixant les conditions de reconnaissance et de subvention des centres culturels

    This legislation sets out the conditions for the recognition and funding of cultural centres, emphasising the importance of broad community participation in cultural activities. It aims to promote cooperation among local cultural centres and facilitate the coordination of public or voluntary projects. The document outlines the responsibilities of cultural centres in developing socio-cultural initiatives, including project collaboration with social-cultural associations and training programs. Furthermore, the legislation establishes criteria for the recognition and classification of cultural centres, ensuring that they meet specific requirements to receive government support. It highlights the need

    Gesetz über den Denkmal- und Heimatschutz, DHG (Act on the Protection of Monuments and Cultural Heritage)

    The Gesetz über den Denkmal- und Heimatschutz of the Canton Basel-Landschaft is a crucial legislative document aimed at preserving and protecting the cultural and architectural heritage of the region. Its primary purpose is to safeguard historical monuments, buildings, and landscapes that hold cultural and historical significance. This law sets out the responsibilities of public authorities, private individuals, and organisations in maintaining and conserving these valuable assets. A major theme of the law is the identification and documentation of cultural heritage sites. It mandates a comprehensive survey and cataloguing of monuments

    Νόμος 2039/1992 (61/Α/13-4-1992): Κύρωση της Σύμβασης για την προστασία της αρχιτεκτονικής κληρονομιάς της Ευρώπης (Γρανάδα, 1985)

    Law 2039/1992 (61/Α/13-4-1992) ratifies the Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe, signed in Granada 03 October 1985. The Granada Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe considers that the term “architectural heritage” is “an irreplaceable expression of the richness and diversity of Europe’s cultural heritage” and refers to monuments, groups of buildings and sites, comprising archaeological sites. Architectural heritage is perceived as “an invaluable testimony to our past”. This point aims to highlight the common past that unites the peoples of Europe and

    Law 2039/1992: Ratification of the Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe (Granada, 1985)

    Law 2039/1992 (61/Α/13-4-1992) ratifies the Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe, signed in Granada 03 October 1985. The Granada Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe considers that the term “architectural heritage” is “an irreplaceable expression of the richness and diversity of Europe’s cultural heritage” and refers to monuments, groups of buildings and sites, comprising archaeological sites. Architectural heritage is perceived as “an invaluable testimony to our past”. This point aims to highlight the common past that unites the peoples of Europe and

    The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992

    This legislation outlines the regulations and procedures governing development activities that could impact heritage sites and buildings. It addresses various aspects such as the enlargement, improvement, or alteration of dwelling houses within specific parameters to preserve the original character. The document covers restrictions on development in areas of national scenic importance, archaeological significance, and special scientific interest to prevent harm to the environment and heritage assets. Furthermore, the legislation details the conditions under which prior approval is required for certain types of development, ensuring that changes adhere to specified guidelines.

    Law on Protection of Cultural Monuments

    The document defines what protection of cultural monuments is (a system of measures, which ensures preservation of the cultural and historical heritage and encompasses the registration, research, practical preservation thereof, and use of cultural monuments and popularisation thereof) and than specifies the subject of the law, namely cultural monuments and their types (immovable and moveable). It emphasizes that it is prohibited to destroy, move or modify cultural monuments. Also, is is prohibited to export cultural monuments, including antiquities, that belong to the State of Latvia. Temporary export is restricted to

    Lege Nr. LP880/1992 din 22.01.1992 privind Fondul Arhivistic al Republicii Moldova

    The law contains important provisions on the preservation, management, and use of archival records. Also, it sets restrictions on the use of specific types of documents in the archive’s collection, such as commercial secrets and citizen’s rights and interests, for up to 100 years after their creation. The law governs the management of the national archival heritage, including the formation and use of state-owned archives. It outlines clear provisions for the collection, organization, and preservation of documentation constituting the national archives, as well as the supervision and administration of the

    Zakon o denacionalizaciji (Law on Denationalisation) (ZDen)(1991)

    The relevance of the “Zakon o denacionalizaciji” (Law on Denationalisation) to cultural heritage lies primarily in its provisions related to the restitution of cultural property. The law explicitly addresses the return of movable and immovable cultural heritage items that were confiscated or nationalized during the post-war period. Key Points on Cultural Heritage: Restitution of Cultural Property: The law mandates the return of movable property that has cultural, historical, or artistic value to its original owners or their heirs, provided it was confiscated under nationalization laws. This includes objects that are

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