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  • ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ МОЛДОВА Об охране памятников

    This Moldovan law delves into the preservation and protection of cultural heritage sites, emphasizing the role of governmental bodies in safeguarding monuments of historical, artistic, and scientific significance. It highlights the importance of documenting these heritage sites through various means, such as audio and video recordings, to transform them into protected cultural landmarks. The document stresses that well-preserved objects, fragments, or ruins with cultural value must adhere to the requirements outlined in the legislation, ensuring their conservation for future generations. Furthermore, it outlines the responsibilities of entities owning documentary heritage,

    Lege Nr. LP1530/1993 din 22.06.1993 privind ocrotirea monumentelor

    This law outlines the regulations, guidelines, and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the cultural heritage of Moldova. It emphasizes the need to protect and conserve historic and natural sites and monuments against various threats, including pollution, neglect, urbanization, and natural disasters. It highlights the importance of their preservation as a cultural and economic asset, as well as a source of national identity and community pride. The law defines in detail the various terms used in heritage preservation, such as conservation, degradation, demolition and intervention. It provides a clear framework for

    Lov om vederlag for visning av billedkunst og kunsthåndtverk m.v.

    The legislation is a guide for heritage professionals and enthusiasts regarding the payment of compensation for the public display of art and crafts. The document provides guidelines for the payment of compensation for the public display of artwork, including works of a photographic nature and art and crafts. Compensation is made through annual appropriations from the government budget, and institutions that receive government funding are required to compensate artists for the display of their works. The legislation sets rules for the display of public copies of artwork and crafts, and

    Décret relatif à la dépolitisation des structures des organismes culturels

    This legislation focuses on the depoliticization of cultural organisations, aiming to safeguard the integrity and independence of entities involved in preserving heritage. It sets forth requirements for non-profit organisations receiving subsidies related to protected ideological and philosophical matters. Specifically, it mandates that boards of such organisations must not have more than half of their members holding specific political positions, ensuring a balanced and neutral governance structure. Moreover, the legislation outlines exceptions for organisations receiving subsidies below a certain threshold, allowing for flexibility based on funding levels. By imposing these restrictions,

    Sächsisches Denkmalschutzgesetz vom 3. März 1993 (SächsGVBl. S. 229) (Saxon Monument Protection Act)

    The Saxon Monument Protection Act (Sächsisches Denkmalschutzgesetz), adopted in 1993 and amended the last time in 2022, is a comprehensive legislative document aimed at preserving and protecting the cultural heritage of Saxony. It outlines the legal framework for the identification, documentation, protection, and conservation of monuments, ensuring their transmission to future generations. The act emphasises the importance of cultural heritage as a fundamental component of regional identity and historical continuity. The legislation defines the criteria for what constitutes a monument, including buildings, archaeological sites, and other cultural artefacts of historical,

    Décret portant statuts de l’Académie royale de Langue et de Littérature françaises

    This legislation establishes the statutes of an institution dedicated to the study, practice, and promotion of French language and literature. It outlines the Academy’s role in providing opinions, initiating activities, and representing the French community internationally. The Academy supports and rewards works related to its missions, organises contests, and publishes notable literary works. Membership includes both local and foreign members, with elections conducted by secret ballot. Furthermore, the legislation addresses the Academy’s financial resources, budget, and accounts, overseen by an Administrative Commission. This Commission represents the Academy in financial matters

    Arkivlova – arkl.

    This legislation seeks to establish a framework for preserving archives that have cultural, research, legal, or administrative significance. It aims to ensure that these archives are appropriately cared for and available for future use. This legislation outlines key principles and responsibilities for all those involved in caring for archives, be they public or private entities. The legislation has significant implications for heritage professionals and enthusiasts in ensuring that the archives are well-maintained, with specific emphasis on records of enduring cultural or historical value. The legislation emphasises the importance of good

    Kulturminnevern og planlegging etter plan­ og bygningsloven

    This legislation discusses the planning and safeguarding of cultural heritage in relation to the Norwegian Planning and Building Act. The legislation provides guidelines for local authorities and cultural heritage managers to follow in order to ensure the protection and preservation of historic buildings and sites. One of the key themes of the legislation is the need for a coordinated approach to cultural heritage preservation. This involves collaboration between local authorities and heritage experts to identify and protect buildings and areas of historical significance.Local communities are encouraged to take an active

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