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  • Law of Georgian on the System of Protected Areas

    The formation of the system of protected areas in Georgia serves the preservation of the original natural and cultural environment and its components for future generations, and ensuring of conditions for the mental and physical health of humans and the creation of one of the main bases for the civilized development of society. Protected areas are established for protecting and restoring significant national heritage – unique, rare and distinctive ecosystems, plant and animal species, natural formations and cultural areas, and for ensuring their use for scientific, educational and recreational purposes

    Lietuvos Respublikos kilnojamųjų kultūros vertybių apsaugos įstatymas

    The comprehensive law on movable cultural property in the Republic of Lithuania establishes a framework for protection, administration, and movement of cultural objects. Covering aspects such as inventory management, safekeeping, and ownership acquisition, the law aligns with EU legal acts. It emphasizes the creation of state inventories, including the Register of Cultural Property, museums, libraries, and the National Documentary Fund. Public access to the Register is encouraged, with exceptions for personal data. Chapter Four focuses on safekeeping responsibilities for owners, with provisions for warnings and administrative liability. The law addresses

    Verordnung über den Schutz der historischen Kulturdenkmäler, Kulturdenkmäler-Verordnung (Ordinance on the protection of historical cultural monument)

    The Verordnung über den Schutz der historischen Kulturdenkmäler (Kulturdenkmäler-Verordnung) is a regulation enacted by the Canton of Solothurn to protect and preserve historical cultural monuments. This regulation aims to ensure the conservation and careful use of historical cultural landmarks and their surroundings, recognizing their significance to the region’s cultural heritage. The primary purpose of the Kulturdenkmäler-Verordnung is to establish guidelines for the identification, documentation, and preservation of historical monuments. It mandates regular inspections and maintenance of these cultural assets to safeguard their integrity and accessibility. The regulation also emphasises the

    The Republic of Lithuania Law on Construction

    The Republic of Lithuania Law on Construction sets essential requirements for construction, reconstruction, and repair within Lithuania, regulating the technical processes, design, supervision, and maintenance of construction works. This law excludes specific regulations for natural resource constructions and cultural heritage research, which are governed by other laws. The document establishes guidelines for all construction-related activities, defines roles and responsibilities of construction participants, public entities, and other stakeholders. Heritage preservation: the law excludes direct application to cultural heritage research and maintenance, covered under the Law on the Protection of Immovable Cultural

    Republic of Lithuania Law on Territorial Planning

    The Republic of Lithuania Law on Territorial Planning governs the planning of the nation’s territory, including its continental shelf and exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea. A key objective of this law is to ensure sustainable development and rational urbanization while emphasizing the preservation of heritage sites. The law mandates systematic solutions for territorial planning and requires compatibility and interaction between different levels of planning documents. It specifically aims to safeguard valuable landscapes, biodiversity, and natural and cultural heritage values. This includes the preservation of both natural heritage sites

    Décret n° 95-1039 du 18 septembre 1995 portant publication de la Convention européenne pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique (révisée), signée à Malte le 16 janvier 1992

    Discover the comprehensive guidelines outlined in this legislation that aim to safeguard and promote the preservation of archaeological heritage across European nations. The legislation underscores the significance of protecting archaeological sites as valuable sources of historical knowledge and scientific study. It emphasises the need for collaborative efforts among member states to ensure the conservation and proper management of archaeological artefacts and sites. One of the key aspects highlighted in the legislation is the establishment of measures to facilitate the exchange of archaeological elements for scientific purposes while safeguarding their cultural

    Закон України Про музеї та музейну справу

    The law establishes regulations governing museum affairs in Ukraine, encompassing legal, economic, and social principles governing the establishment and operation of museums, as well as the management and utilization of the Museum Fund of Ukraine. It aims to standardize the scientific formation, study, accounting, storage, protection, and use of museum objects, collections, and assets, defining their legal status. Applicable to all museum types and reserves, the law consists of six chapters and 31 articles. Chapter I introduces key terms, outlines museum activities, and establishes national museum policy and legislative frameworks,

    Loi du 13 juin 1955 portant approbation de la Convention Universelle sur le Droit d’Auteur, le Protocole annexe 1 concernant la protection des oeuvres des personnes apatrides et des réfugiés, le Protocole annexe 2 concernant l’application de la Convention à des oeuvres publiées par diverses organisations internationales et le Protocole annexe 3 relatif à la ratification, acceptation ou adhésion conditionnelle, signés à Genève, le 6 septembre 1952

    This legislation approved the Universal Copyright Convention and its annexes, focusing on protecting the rights of authors and works of stateless persons and refugees. It also addresses the application of the Convention to works published by international organisations and the ratification process. The Convention aims to harmonise copyright laws internationally to ensure adequate protection for creative works across borders. One key aspect of the legislation is the establishment of minimum protection periods for copyrighted works, ensuring that authors’ rights are safeguarded for a specified duration after their death. It allows

    Weinverordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 21. April 2009 (BGBl. I S. 827), die zuletzt durch Artikel 6 der Verordnung vom 24. Juni 2024 (BGBl. 2024 I Nr. 215) geändert worden ist (Wein Ordinance)

    The 1995 Wine Ordinance (WeinV 1995) provides a detailed regulatory framework for the production, labelling, and marketing of wine in Germany. This legislation aims to ensure the quality and authenticity of German wines, protect consumer interests, and promote fair competition within the wine industry. By setting stringent standards and guidelines, the ordinance helps maintain the high reputation of German wines both domestically and internationally. The primary purpose of the 1995 Wine Ordinance is to regulate various aspects of wine production, including the classification of wine types, production methods, and geographical

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