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  • Legge sulla protezione dei beni culturali (Law on the Protection of Cultural Property)

    The Legge sulla protezione dei beni culturali (Law on the Protection of Cultural Assets) of the Canton of Ticino establishes the framework for preserving and safeguarding the cultural heritage within the region. The law is designed to ensure the conservation, maintenance, and promotion of cultural properties, recognizing their significance for historical, artistic, and cultural identity. The primary purpose of this legislation is to protect both tangible and intangible cultural assets. Tangible assets include buildings, monuments, and artefacts of historical and cultural importance. Intangible assets encompass traditions, languages, and practices that

    Loi du 17 février 1997 relative à l’installation d’un Musée de la Forteresse de Luxembourg dans le réduit du Fort Thüngen

    This legislation outlines the establishment of a Museum within the Fort Thüngen stronghold in Luxembourg, aiming to preserve and showcase the historical significance of the fortress. It authorises the government to undertake the rehabilitation of the stronghold for this purpose, with a specified budget allocation and funding from the Historical Monuments Fund. The law emphasises the importance of maintaining and promoting cultural heritage through the creation of this museum, providing a space for the public to engage with Luxembourg’s historical legacy. Furthermore, the document details the regulations governing the organisation

    Laki eräistä kuvataiteen tekijöille suoritettavista apurahoista

    This legislation aims to support and promote the work of visual artists in Finland by providing them with grants to maintain and enhance their artistic practices. The law establishes a framework for the distribution of annual grants from state funds to artists whose publicly owned works are displayed. These grants are intended to sustain and develop the economic conditions of artists engaged in creative endeavours. Furthermore, the legislation specifies that the grants are available to visual artists residing or having permanently resided in Finland. The total amount of funds allocated

    Asetus kuvataiteen apurahalautakunnasta

    This legislation establishes a committee dedicated to providing grants to visual artists within the Ministry of Education’s jurisdiction. The committee comprises a chairperson, vice chairperson, and seven members appointed for three-year terms, with specific representation from key art committees. The Ministry may appoint additional members in consultation with relevant organisations in the field. The regulation outlines detailed procedures for grant applications and processing, ensuring transparency and efficiency in the allocation of funds to support visual artists. By setting clear guidelines and appointing diverse committee members, the legislation aims to promote

    Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997

    Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 is a key piece of legislation that has a significant impact on preserving and protecting heritage in Scotland. The Act sets out the legal framework for the identification, protection, and management of listed buildings, conservation areas, and other structures of historic interest in Scotland. Its aim is to preserve the country’s architectural, historical, and cultural heritage, which is an essential aspect of Scotland’s identity and attracts millions of tourists every year. The Act outlines the process by which buildings and other

    Loi du 17 janvier 1997 relative à la construction du Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean à Luxembourg-Kirchberg

    This legislation addresses crucial aspects of heritage preservation and public interest in Luxembourg. It focuses on the construction of the Grand-Duc Jean Museum of Modern Art in Luxembourg-Kirchberg, emphasising the government’s authorization and financial limitations for the project. The law outlines the funding mechanisms through existing regulations to ensure the successful completion of the museum while maintaining public financial responsibility. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the government’s commitment to supporting cultural heritage through the allocation of specific budgets and adherence to legal frameworks. It underscores the importance of balancing heritage conservation

    NÖ Kulturförderungsgesetz 1996 (Cultural Promotion Act of Lower Austria)

    The “Niederösterreichisches Kulturförderungsgesetz 1996” regulates promotion and preservation of cultural activities and heritage within Lower Austria. It establishes various Kulturbeiräte (Cultural Councils) addressing several cultural sectors, among them also one for “Volkskultur und kulturelles Erbe” (folk culture and cultural heritage). The strategy for cultural heritage protection encompasses a strong attention for intangible heritage, as the name of the council suggests. In order to promote cultural heritage and traditions, the law establishes financing mechanisms and opportunities for cultural activities such as festivals, projects and initiatives for awareness raising. Moreover, it provides


    This legislative document provides a framework for the state’s nature conservation efforts. It outlines the regulatory and enforcement powers available for safeguarding natural ecosystems and biodiversity. The purpose of this law is to empower the state to control and manage natural resources and ensure sustainable usage, while also securing nature’s values for posterity. Key issues covered include monitoring, management, and enforcement of regulations aimed at preserving and protecting various natural resources. One of the main themes of this legislation is the importance of addressing the conflicting needs of conservation and

    Loi du 2 mai 1996 portant approbation de la Convention européenne sur la coproduction cinématographique, faite à Strasbourg, le 2 octobre 1992

    This legislation underscores the significance of safeguarding and promoting shared ideals and principles within the European cultural landscape. It emphasises the fundamental role of freedom of creation and expression in upholding these principles. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of preserving the diverse cultural heritage of European nations as a key objective of the European Cultural Convention. The document stresses the need to enhance European cinematic co-productions as a means of expressing and celebrating cultural diversity on a continental scale. It aims to strengthen the collaborative efforts in the film industry

    კანონი დაცული ტერიტორიების სისტემის შესახებ #136

    The formation of the system of protected areas in Georgia serves the preservation of the original natural and cultural environment and its components for future generations, and ensuring of conditions for the mental and physical health of humans and the creation of one of the main bases for the civilized development of society. Protected areas are established for protecting and restoring significant national heritage – unique, rare and distinctive ecosystems, plant and animal species, natural formations and cultural areas, and for ensuring their use for scientific, educational and recreational purposes

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