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  • კანონი არქიტექტურული საქმიანობის შესახებ # 1335

    The Law on Architectural Activities provides a comprehensive overview of the legal and practical facets of architectural activities in Georgia. Through a series of defined terms, including “architect” and “architectural activities,” it sets the stage for a deeper exploration into the creative and regulatory aspects of architectural design and implementation. Central to the discourse are the Architectural Planning Assignments (APAs), which serve as blueprints for the development of architectural works. These assignments, issued by competent authorities, encapsulate urban planning considerations, environmental standards, and provisions for heritage preservation, ensuring a holistic

    Law of Georgia on Architectural Activities # 1335

    The Law on Architectural Activities provides a comprehensive overview of the legal and practical facets of architectural activities in Georgia. Through a series of defined terms, including “architect” and “architectural activities,” it sets the stage for a deeper exploration into the creative and regulatory aspects of architectural design and implementation. Central to the discourse are the Architectural Planning Assignments (APAs), which serve as blueprints for the development of architectural works. These assignments, issued by competent authorities, encapsulate urban planning considerations, environmental standards, and provisions for heritage preservation, ensuring a holistic

    Gesetz vom 11. Dezember 1997 über die Förderung der Kultur im Land Salzburg (Salzburger Kulturförderungsgesetz) StF: LGBl Nr 14/1998 (Cultural Promotion Act of Salzburg)

    The Salzburg Cultural Promotion Act is built on defined principles and goals: 1) cultural life is considered essential for the personal development of people; 2) the action of the Salzburger Kulturförderungsgesetz must not undermine the independence and variety of cultural activities; 3) the Act intends to make cultural life accessible to all and to enact a strategy able to reduce inequalities through culture. According to the Salzburg Cultural Promotion Act both the state and municipalities of Salzburg are mandated to support cultural activities financially and otherwise, ensuring a balanced distribution

    The Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations 1997

    This legislation outlines comprehensive regulations governing the use and management of various parks, gardens, and open spaces under the control of the Secretary of State for National Heritage. It covers a wide range of areas, including designated parks, prohibited activities, and restrictions on certain vehicles within park premises. The document emphasises the importance of maintaining order, preserving heritage sites, and preventing abuses in these public spaces. One key aspect highlighted in the legislation is the prohibition of specific activities within the designated parks, such as public speeches outside designated areas

    Decreto-Lei n.º 164/97, de 27 de Junho: Normas relativas ao património cultural subaquático

    Decree-Law No. 164/97 establishes the regime for Underwater Archeological Works and aims to harmonise the legislation governing underwater archaeological activities with that applicable to terrestrial archaeological activities in Portugal. The previous legislation separated Underwater Archeology from Terrestrial Archeology in what concerns methodological criteria and state supervision. On the other hand, these laws clearly established the commercial exploitation of underwater archaeological activity, to the detriment of the scientific contextualisation of the cultural heritage in question. This legislation addresses the need to protect and preserve historical and scientific information found in underwater

    Nόμος 2508/1997 (124/Α/13-6-1997): Βιώσιμη οικιστική ανάπτυξη των πόλεων και των οικισμών της χώρας και άλλες διατάξεις

    The law defines the guiding principles, conditions, procedures and forms of urban planning for the sustainable residential development of the wider areas of the country’s cities and settlements. Law 2508/1997 (124/Α/13-6-1997): Sustainable Housing Development of cities and settlements of the country and other provisions. – Amended by law 4951/2022

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