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  • Loi du 10 juin 1999 relative aux établissements classés

    This legislation outlines comprehensive regulations governing industrial activities with a significant impact on the environment and heritage. It covers a wide range of sectors, including construction, agriculture, and chemical handling, emphasising the importance of environmental protection and safety measures. The document sets strict conditions for authorization, emission limits, and technical standards to ensure compliance and minimise negative effects on heritage sites. One of the key themes addressed in the legislation is the need for responsible management of industrial facilities to safeguard heritage and natural resources. It highlights the importance of

    Loi du 31 mai 1999 portant institution d’un fonds pour la protection de l’environnement

    This legislation outlines crucial measures aimed at protecting and preserving heritage sites and cultural assets. It addresses the establishment of funds dedicated to environmental conservation, emphasising the importance of safeguarding natural resources and managing waste effectively. The document also delves into the regulations governing land use and development within designated areas, highlighting the need for sustainable practices to maintain the integrity of heritage sites. Furthermore, the legislation underscores the significance of international agreements and conventions in upholding cultural heritage protection standards. It emphasises the role of governmental bodies in overseeing

    Lege Nr. 413 din 27-05-1999 Culturii

    The Moldovan parliament enacted a law in 1999 that aimed to protect and promote cultural heritage, including tangible and intangible cultural expressions. The law impacts heritage in several ways and still does, covering issues such as the technical and material support of cultural programs, cultural tourism, cultural education, international cultural relations, and the rights and obligations of cultural organisations. The law also restricts the sale and transfer of buildings, constructions and lands used for cultural purposes, and defines the responsibilities and penalties for violating the provisions of the law. The

    Laki kulttuuriesineiden maastaviennin rajoittamisesta (kumottu)

    This legislation focuses on safeguarding the national cultural heritage by restricting the export of scientifically, artistically, and historically valuable cultural objects. It outlines specific categories of objects, such as archaeological artefacts, artworks over 50 years old, and historical buildings, that require permission for export. The law aims to prevent the loss of culturally significant items from leaving the country and ensures their preservation for future generations. By regulating the export of cultural objects, the legislation plays a crucial role in protecting the country’s heritage and historical legacy. It establishes the

    Kulturgesetz (Culture Act)

    The Kulturgesetz of the Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden is a pivotal legislative document designed to support and enhance the cultural landscape of the region. Its primary purpose is to establish a robust framework for the promotion, development, and preservation of cultural activities and heritage. The law delineates the roles and responsibilities of governmental bodies, cultural institutions, and the community in fostering a vibrant cultural environment. One of the central themes of the Kulturgesetz is the promotion of cultural diversity and accessibility. The legislation mandates that cultural activities and programs should be

    Ley 3/1999, de 10 de marzo, del Patrimonio Cultural Aragonés

    This law outlines the Aragonese Cultural Heritage Regulation, which aims to protect, investigate, and promote the cultural heritage of Aragon, including natural and cultural elements. It establishes procedures for the inclusion of cultural assets in the Aragonese Cultural Heritage Catalog. It also outlines the effects of initiating the declaration process for cultural assets, including the immediate application of provisional protection measures. The law regulates interventions, authorizations, and licenses for the conservation and management of cultural assets. It addresses penalties for violations, including fines and legal consequences for unauthorized actions related

    Laki vapaasta sivistystyöstä

    This legislation sets out the guidelines for free education for anyone seeking to acquire knowledge and skills outside the formal system of education. The legislation is designed to meet the needs of learners who have left compulsory education or who are not seeking formal qualifications, such as in the field of heritage and culture. The legislation outlines the criteria and conditions for receiving support and funding from the state to organise study and training activities, including vocational training, adult education, and skills training. Furthermore, the legislation aims to promote lifelong

    ՀՀ օրենքը «Պատմության և մշակույթի անշարժ հուշարձանների ու պատմական միջավայրի պահպանության և օգտագործման մասին»

    The law on the preservation of historical and cultural monuments in the Republic of Armenia focuses on the protection, classification, and management of immovable monuments with historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural value. It establishes a comprehensive legal framework to ensure the safeguarding of the nation’s cultural heritage, detailing the roles and responsibilities of state and local authorities, as well as the principles of state policy in this field. Preservation of Cultural Heritage: The law mandates the preservation of monuments, including structures, associated complexes, and historically connected territories, to maintain their

    The law of the Republic of Armenia on “The Preservation and Use of Immovable Monuments of History and Culture and Historical Environment”

    The law on the preservation of historical and cultural monuments in the Republic of Armenia focuses on the protection, classification, and management of immovable monuments with historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural value. It establishes a comprehensive legal framework to ensure the safeguarding of the nation’s cultural heritage, detailing the roles and responsibilities of state and local authorities, as well as the principles of state policy in this field. Preservation of Cultural Heritage: The law mandates the preservation of monuments, including structures, associated complexes, and historically connected territories, to maintain their

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