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  • Decreto Regulamentar Regional nº 21/2015/A: Regulamenta os apoios para a aquisição, remodelação, beneficiação, ampliação ou construção de infraestruturas destinadas a atividades culturais (Regional Regulatory Decree no. 21/2015/A: Regulates support for the acquisition, remodeling, improvement, expansion or construction of infrastructure for cultural activities)

    This Regional Regulatory Decree regulates support for the acquisition, remodelling, improvement, expansion, or construction of cultural activity infrastructures in the Azores. It is based on the legal framework established by Regional Legislative Decree n.º 29/2006/A, modified and republished by Regional Legislative Decree n.º 9/2014/A (RJAAC), which created the legal regime for supporting activities in the Azores by regional, national, or foreign agents. The document aims to provide financial aid through cooperation contracts for cultural projects, with specific percentages of funding released at different project milestones. The support application process requires

    Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.o 20/2015/A: Regime Específico de Proteção e Valorização do Património Cultural Imóvel do Núcleo Antigo de Vila do Corvo (Regional Regulatory Decree no. 20/2015/A: Specific Regime for the Protection and Enhancement of the Immovable Cultural Heritage of the Old Town of Vila do Corvo)

    This Regional Regulatory Decree establishes a specific regime for the protection and valorization of the cultural heritage in the Old Town of Vila do Corvo. It aligns with the new legal framework for the protection of cultural heritage, emphasising the need for a tailored approach to safeguarding the cultural assets in the region. The document outlines general and specific intervention rules for properties within the designated area, ensuring that any modifications respect the historical and architectural significance of the buildings. The legislation highlights the importance of preserving the characteristic appearance

    Decreto Regulamentar Regional nº 25/2015/A: Regime de apoios a conceder pela Administração Regional Autónoma à preservação do património cultural imóvel situado na área classificada de Angra do Heroísmo (Regional Regulatory Decree no. 25/2015/A: Scheme of support to be granted by the Autonomous Regional Administration for the preservation of the immovable cultural heritage located in the classified area of Angra do Heroísmo)

    This Regional Regulatory Decree, issued by the government of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, establishes a regime of support for the preservation of cultural heritage in the region. This regulation focuses on providing financial aid and technical assistance to private entities for the conservation of both immovable and movable cultural assets. The financial support is in the form of non-refundable funding and technical guidance to enhance the quality of restoration projects. The decree emphasises the importance of addressing threats to immovable heritage, such as pest infestations, by increasing support

    Decreto-Lei n.º242/2015, de 15 de outubro: Regime Jurídico da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade (Decree-Law no. 242/2015, of October 15: Legal Framework for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity)

    This decree-law focuses on revising the legal framework for nature conservation and biodiversity in Portugal. It addresses the need to update regulations in line with the evolving understanding of environmental protection. The document outlines the scope of application, emphasising the protection of natural resources within national territory and waters under national jurisdiction. It highlights the importance of sustainable management practices to ensure the preservation of biodiversity for future generations. One of the key aspects of the decree-law is the establishment of guidelines for the conservation of nature and biodiversity. It

    Decreto-Lei n.º 148/2015, de 4 de agosto: Regime de classificação e inventariação de bens móveis de interesse cultural (Decree-Law no. 148/2015, of 4 August: Regime for the classification and inventorying of movable property of cultural interest)

    This decree-law builds upon the framework established by Law No. 107/2001, establishing the regime for the classification and inventorying of movable goods of cultural interest, as well as the rules to be applied to the exportation, dispatch, importation and admission of movable cultural goods. It establishes that movable goods of cultural interest can be classified as “of national interest”, “of public interest” or “of municipal interest” and determines the conditions that define each category and the corresponding classification procedure. As stated in the legislation, cultural interest must demonstrate values of

    National Policy on Architecture and Landscape

    The National Policy on Architecture and Landscape in Portugal was approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 45/2015 and is a long-term political instrument that brings together different components of the territory, with a view to its sustainability and quality, with the well-being of communities and balanced development at its core, and with education as an indispensable factor. The document outlines key initiatives for the period of 2014-2020, emphasising the importance of creating a network of partners to support the policy’s objectives. It aims to coordinate various initiatives related

    Política Nacional de Arquitetura e Paisagem (National Architecture and Landscape Policy)

    The National Policy on Architecture and Landscape in Portugal was approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 45/2015 and is a long-term political instrument that brings together different components of the territory, with a view to its sustainability and quality, with the well-being of communities and balanced development at its core, and with education as an indispensable factor. The document outlines key initiatives for the period of 2014-2020, emphasising the importance of creating a network of partners to support the policy’s objectives. It aims to coordinate various initiatives related

    Decreto-lei nº 121/2015, de 30 de junho (Decree-Law No. 121/2015 of June 30 on National System of Qualification and Certification of Traditional Handicraft Productions)

    Decree-law n.º 121/2015, published on June 30, 2015, establishes the National System of Qualification and Certification of Traditional Handicraft Productions (SNQCPAT) in Portugal. This system aims to recognise and promote the importance of traditional craftsmanship in affirming national identity, enhancing cultural diversity, and fostering local development. The decree specifically excludes agricultural and agro-food artisanal products, which are governed by separate regulations. The decree outlines the roles of the IEFP, I.P. (Institute of Employment and Professional Training) in verifying compliance with the new regulations and issuing provisional decisions within ten days.

    ​​Lei nº 54/2015, de 22 de junho: Revelação e do aproveitamento dos recursos geológicos existentes no território nacional (Law no. 54/2015, of June 22: Disclosure and exploitation of geological resources on national territory)

    Law No. 54/2015, enacted on June 22, 2015, primarily focuses on the disclosure and utilisation of geological resources within the national territory, including the maritime space. The law aims to balance the exploration and exploitation of these resources with the preservation of environmental heritage. It emphasises the importance of protecting natural heritage, including geological formations, in the process of resource utilisation. Within the context of heritage preservation, the law establishes guidelines for the responsible disclosure of geological resources to ensure the conservation of natural landscapes and geological features. It recognizes

    Decreto-Lei nº 102/2015, de 5 de junho: Transferência do Sistema de Informação para o Património, SIPA. (Decree-Law no. 102/2015 of 5 June: Transfer of the Heritage Information System, SIPA.

    This Decree-Law makes the second amendment to Decree-Law no. 115/2012, amended by Decree-Law no. 205/2012, which approves the organisational structure of the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC), and the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 175/2012, which approves the organisational structure of the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, I. P. (IHRU, I. P.). (IHRU, I. P.), transferring the attributions and competences relating to the Heritage Information System (SIPA) from IHRU, I. P., to the DGPC. The implementation of this transfer implies the clear definition of mission objectives and the reorganisation

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