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  • Rettledning for bruk av riksvåpenet på statens trykksaker

    This document provides guidance for the use of the Norwegian Coat of Arms in official government documents. It outlines the approved types of the Coat of Arms, depending on the type and format of the printed material. The use of the Coat of Arms is reserved for official documents that have an official character and are published by the government. The document specifies the types of approved illustrations, sizes, and printing techniques for the Coat of Arms. It also regulates the production and use of the printing plate in which

    Forskrifter angående bruks av Rikets segl og Riksvåpenet

    This legislation outlines guidelines for the use of Rikets Segl and Riksvapenet in Norway. The purpose of this regulation is to ensure the correct and appropriate use of the national symbols in the country. The document, created by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and published on their website, contains five key regulations for the usage of Rikets Segl and Riksvapenet. Firstly, the document specifies that the symbols can only be used for decoration, ornamentation, or similar purposes and not for malicious intent. Secondly, the Department responsible must ensure that

    Kongelig resolusjon om Norges riksvåpen

    This legislation provides guidance on the role of Noregs riksvapen (national coat of arms) in public institutions in Norway. It outlines the official description and use of the Norwegian coat of arms, which should feature a gold lion on a red background with a gold crown on the head and axe in the paws. The crest is typically shield-shaped and should be displayed with a royal crown topped by a royal apple and cross. Moreover, all illustrations of the crest for official use must be approved by the Foreign Ministry,

    ORDONANȚA nr. 43 din 30 ianuarie 2000 privind protecția patrimoniului arheologic și declararea unor situri arheologice ca zone de interes național

    This is a very comprehensive ordinance that tackles archaeological heritage and archaeological sites and which approaches legal, administrative, financial-fiscal and technical measures designed to ensure the prospecting, identification, uncovering, inventorying, conservation and restoration, guarding, maintenance and enhancement of archaeological assets, as well as the land on which they are located, with a view to their research or, where appropriate, their classification as movable cultural assets or historical monuments. The documents comprises a typology of elements that can fall under this category, definitions (such as for archaeological research or discovery), as

    Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki (Alueidenkäyttölaki)

    This legislation outlines the regulations and requirements concerning land use, construction, and heritage preservation. It emphasises the importance of maintaining safe and healthy conditions in building projects, ensuring compliance with environmental protection laws. The law also addresses the significance of considering heritage and cultural aspects in planning and decision-making processes. Regarding heritage preservation, the legislation mandates adherence to specific guidelines and regulations when developing or constructing in areas of historical or archaeological significance. It highlights the need to protect and preserve cultural heritage sites, requiring thorough assessments and approvals before

    RA Law “On Copyright and Related Rights”

    The copyright and related rights law of the Republic of Armenia establishes a comprehensive framework governing the creation, use, and protection of intellectual property. It covers a broad spectrum of works including scientific, literary, and artistic creations (copyright), performances, sound recordings (phonograms), and broadcasting programs (related rights). Under this legal framework, public relations related to intellectual property are regulated by multiple sources, primarily including the Constitution of Armenia, the Civil Code, specific laws such as the Copyright Law, and other relevant legal acts. Additionally, the law emphasizes adherence to international

    ՀՀ օրենքը «Հեղինակային իրավունքի և հարակից իրավունքների մասին»

    The copyright and related rights law of the Republic of Armenia establishes a comprehensive framework governing the creation, use, and protection of intellectual property. It covers a broad spectrum of works including scientific, literary, and artistic creations (copyright), performances, sound recordings (phonograms), and broadcasting programs (related rights). Under this legal framework, public relations related to intellectual property are regulated by multiple sources, primarily including the Constitution of Armenia, the Civil Code, specific laws such as the Copyright Law, and other relevant legal acts. Additionally, the law emphasizes adherence to international

    Environmental Impact Assessment (Fish Farming in Marine Waters) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999

    This legislation outlines the Environmental Impact Assessment process for fish farming in marine waters in Northern Ireland. It details the requirements for obtaining a fish culture licence, including the submission of an environmental statement and consultation with relevant bodies. The regulations aim to assess and mitigate the potential environmental impacts of fish farming activities, such as pollution, waste production, and resource use. The document emphasises the importance of considering the environmental sensitivity of geographical areas likely to be affected by fish farming developments. It highlights the need to evaluate factors

    Gesetz über die Denkmalpflege, Denkmalpflegegesetz, DPG (Law on the preservation of monuments)

    The “Gesetz über die Denkmalpflege” (Monument Preservation Act) of the Canton of Bern establishes a comprehensive legal framework for the protection and conservation of cultural monuments. The law aims to preserve the historical, architectural, and cultural heritage of the canton by regulating alterations and ensuring the maintenance of significant sites and structures. The legislation requires that any modifications to protected monuments receive prior approval to maintain their historical integrity. It outlines the responsibilities of property owners in maintaining these sites and provides for financial assistance and incentives to support preservation

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