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  • Act on the Return of Cultural Property to Other Countries

    The Act on the Return of Cultural Property to Other Countries ensures the return of illegally transported cultural property to its country of origin. Cultural assets include artefacts considered national treasures, items from public heritage institutions, and religious artefacts. The Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland is responsible for implementing the Act, assessing the value of artefacts, and handling their return, in cooperation with relevant authorities and institutions. The Act prohibits the import of cultural artefacts that violate European Economic Area regulations or the legislation of the originating country and establishes

    Copyright and Information Society Directive [Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society]

    Copyright legislation impacts the activities of cultural heritage institutions whose collections often contain materials that are subject to copyright or neighbouring rights protection. While not all items in the collections of cultural heritage institutions are subject to copyright, some are, resulting in cultural heritage professionals having to put processes in place to manage these rights. This becomes particularly relevant when cultural heritage institutions undergo digitisation projects with the aim of making these materials widely available to the public and facilitate their reuse. The copyright in the digital single market Directive

    LEGGE 7 marzo 2001, n. 78 Tutela del patrimonio storico della Prima guerra mondiale (Law no. 78 of 7 March 2001 Protection of the historical heritage of the First World War)

    The legislation titled “LEGGE 7 marzo 2001, n. 78” aims to protect and preserve the historical heritage of World War I. It underscores the importance of recognizing and maintaining various relics from the conflict, including forts, trenches, monuments, and military artefacts. This law emphasises the need for a collaborative effort between the state, regions, and various organisations to ensure these historical assets are preserved for educational and commemorative purposes. The law establishes a framework for the identification, cataloguing, maintenance, and restoration of World War I relics. It specifically mentions the

    Deklarácia Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky o ochrane kultúrneho dedičstva. Zbierka zákonov Slovenskej republiky č. 91 / 2001, čiastka 39 z 20. marca 2001

    1. The cultural heritage of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as “cultural heritage”) is an irreplaceable wealth of the state and its citizens, it is a document of the development of society, philosophy, religion, science, technology, art, a document of the educational and cultural level of the Slovak nation, other nations, national minorities, ethnic groups and individuals who live or have lived in the past on the territory of Slovakia. 2. The different types and parts of cultural heritage shall be equal and shall form an integral part of

    Loi n° 2001-44 du 17 janvier 2001 relative à l’archéologie préventive

    This legislation aims to protect France’s archeological heritage through the implementation of a preventative approach. The law requires any construction work to be preceded by an examination of the potential impact on archeological finds. This examination is to be carried out by a specialised service, and if necessary, an excavation will be conducted to ensure any significant archeological discoveries are preserved. The law also grants state authorities the power to enforce the legislation and take legal measures if need be. The law sets up a preventative approach to solving the

    Lege nr. 182 din 25 octombrie 2000 privind protejarea patrimoniului național cultural mobil

    This law deals with the protection of movable heritage in Romania. The legislative act is divided into several sections – Chapter 1 deals with general considerations, Chapter II approaches the research, classification and inventory systems for these items, Chapter III mentions how movable heritage items should be kept, stored and secured, Chapter IV tackles matters of conservation and restauration, while Chapter V deals with the circulation of said items. Chapter VI provides guidelines for chance archaeological findings, Chapter VII focuses on financing activities aiming at the protection of movable heritage

    LEGE nr. 182 din 25 octombrie 2000 privind protejarea patrimoniului național cultural mobil

    This law deals with the protection of movable heritage in Romania. The legislative act is divided into several sections – Chapter 1 deals with general considerations, Chapter II approaches the research, classification and inventory systems for these items, Chapter III mentions how movable heritage items should be kept, stored and secured, Chapter IV tackles matters of conservation and restauration, while Chapter V deals with the circulation of said items. Chapter VI provides guidelines for chance archaeological findings, Chapter VII focuses on financing activities aiming at the protection of movable heritage

    არქეოლოგიური მემკვიდრეობის დაცვის ევროპული კონვენცია

    This European Heritage document aims to protect and preserve the archaeological heritage of Europe and enhance conservation by encouraging expert exchanges and comparison of experience. At the heart of the convention is the protection of the archaeological heritage as a source of the European collective memory and as a tool for historical and scientific studies. All elements of such heritage, including structures, constructions, groups of buildings, and moveable objects located anywhere in European countries, are to be included for preservation. Each country party must create a legal system to protect

    European Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage

    This European Heritage document aims to protect and preserve the archaeological heritage of Europe and enhance conservation by encouraging expert exchanges and comparison of experience. At the heart of the convention is the protection of the archaeological heritage as a source of the European collective memory and as a tool for historical and scientific studies. All elements of such heritage, including structures, constructions, groups of buildings, and moveable objects located anywhere in European countries, are to be included for preservation. Each country party must create a legal system to protect

    275/2000 Sb. VYHLÁŠKA Ministerstva kultury ze dne 28. července 2000, kterou se provádí zákon č. 122/2000 Sb., o ochraně sbírek muzejní povahy a o změně některých dalších zákonů

    This ordinance serves as operational directives for the implementation of Act No. 122/2000 on the Protection of Collections of Museum Character and the Amendment of Certain Other Laws. It gives details on how the individual provisions of the above-mentioned document should be applied and executed. Firstly, it talks about the permanent preservation of museum collections through the creation of optimal storage conditions and protection from any unfavourable conditions such as humidity, pests, or mechanical damage. These threats should be mitigated through the creation and observance of the “rules of storage”

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