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  • Zákon č. 49/2002 Z.z. z 19. decembra 2001 o ochrane pamiatkového fondu v znení zákona č. 479/2005 Z.z. a zákona č. 208/2009 Z.z

    1. This Act regulates the conditions for the protection of cultural monuments, monumental areas, archaeological finds and archaeological sites in accordance with scientific knowledge and on the basis of international treaties in the field of European and world cultural heritage by which the Slovak Republic is bound. 2. This Act further regulates the organisation and competence of state administration bodies and territorial self-administration bodies, as well as the rights and obligations of owners and other legal entities and natural persons and the imposition of fines for illegal activities in the

    Lei n.º 107/2001, de 8 de setembro: Regime de protecção e valorização do património cultural

    Law nº107/2001 establishes the foundational principles and regulations for the protection and valorization of cultural heritage in Portugal. The law aims to safeguard cultural heritage as a crucial element for understanding and preserving national identity and history. It encompasses agreements between public and private entities for the preservation of cultural assets. The law outlines the procedures for the classification and inventory of cultural assets, including the initiation of administrative procedures by various entities, both public and private. It also addresses the protection of archaeological heritage, imposing restrictions on land use

    Loi du 24 juillet 2001 portant création d’un établissement public nommé «Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster»

    This legislation establishes a public institution aimed at preserving and promoting cultural heritage through the creation of the “Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster.” The institution is tasked with developing a cultural and artistic hub centred around Luxembourg’s cultural identity and its interaction with other cultures. It serves as a platform for cultural exchange, hosting artists, facilitating collaborations, and organising events to engage both local and international audiences. The law grants the institution legal autonomy and financial independence under the supervision of the Minister of Culture. It outlines the

    LEGE nr. 422 din 18 iulie 2001 privind protejarea monumentelor istorice

    The law focuses on historical monuments. The first section provides general considerations, while the second section is divided into several thematic chapters: details on historical monuments; classifications and inventory systems; interventions on historical monuments. The third section outlines the institutions and specialized bodies with responsibilities towards the protection of historical monuments, while the fourth section approaches the rights and obligations of historical monument owners, as well as the attributions of local public authorities. The fifth section of the law focuses on financing mechanisms for the protection of historical monuments, while

    LEGE nr. 422 din 18 iulie 2001 privind protejarea monumentelor istorice

    The law focuses on historical monuments. The first section provides general considerations, while the second section is divided into several thematic chapters: details on historical monuments; classifications and inventory systems; interventions on historical monuments. The third section outlines the institutions and specialized bodies with responsibilities towards the protection of historical monuments, while the fourth section approaches the rights and obligations of historical monument owners, as well as the attributions of local public authorities. The fifth section of the law focuses on financing mechanisms for the protection of historical monuments, while

    კანონი კულტურულ ფასეულობათა საქართველოდან გატანისა და საქართველოში შემოტანის შესახებ #985

    The Law on Export and Import of Cultural Valuables from and to Georgia discusses laws and regulations concerning the export, temporary export, and sale of cultural valuables from Georgia. It also covers the responsibilities of owners of cultural valuables and the procedures for transferring unclaimed cultural valuables to the state museum, library, or archive reserve. In addition, the document touches on international agreements regarding the return of illegally exported and imported cultural valuables to and from Georgia. Overall, this informative document provides a detailed overview of legal regulations and procedures

    Law on Export and Import of Cultural Valuables from and to Georgia

    The Law on Export and Import of Cultural Valuables from and to Georgia discusses laws and regulations concerning the export, temporary export, and sale of cultural valuables from Georgia. It also covers the responsibilities of owners of cultural valuables and the procedures for transferring unclaimed cultural valuables to the state museum, library, or archive reserve. In addition, the document touches on international agreements regarding the return of illegally exported and imported cultural valuables to and from Georgia. Overall, this informative document provides a detailed overview of legal regulations and procedures

    Law of Georgia on Museums #990

    This Law on Museums is a comprehensive guide on the legislation governing museums in Georgia. It provides insight into the legal, financial, economic, and cultural activities of museums, as well as how they are managed and organized by the state. Divided into several sections, the document defines key terms and categories, outlines how museums are categorized, and clarifies the types of museums based on their field of activities. Chapter I of the document introduces the main goals and objectives of the Law, which include regulating legal relations in the activities

    კანონი მუზეუმების შესახებ #990

    This Law on Museums is a comprehensive guide on the legislation governing museums in Georgia. It provides insight into the legal, financial, economic, and cultural activities of museums, as well as how they are managed and organized by the state. Divided into several sections, the document defines key terms and categories, outlines how museums are categorized, and clarifies the types of museums based on their field of activities. Chapter I of the document introduces the main goals and objectives of the Law, which include regulating legal relations in the activities


    This legislation aims to maintain the unique environment and its elements on Svalbard island, preserving flora, fauna, landscapes, cultural monuments, and wilderness. This act considers all aspects of human intervention in land use, from waste management to motorised transport and tourism. The legislation comprises several regulations, covering topics like environmental pollution and waste control, wildlife reserves, and subsidies for nature conservation. There is also a regulation for mandatory dog restraint while on the island has been enacted. The Environmental Impact Assessment and the delimitation of planning areas also hold a

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