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  • Loi du 1er décembre 2017 portant approbation de la Convention européenne relative à la protection du patrimoine audiovisuel, faite à Strasbourg, le 8 novembre 2001

    This legislation focuses on the protection and promotion of European audiovisual heritage, emphasising the significance of safeguarding cultural diversity and identity. It outlines obligations for Parties to designate archival institutions responsible for preserving and providing access to audiovisual materials. The document stresses the importance of financial and technical support for these archival organisations to fulfil their missions effectively. Furthermore, the legislation establishes guidelines for legal deposit requirements, encouraging voluntary contributions to enrich audiovisual collections. It highlights the cooperative efforts among archival and voluntary deposit entities to enhance the preservation and

    Loi du 2 août 2017

    These legislative amendments have been introduced to regulate classified establishments and industrial emissions, impacting the country’s heritage and environmental landscape. The amendments focus on enhancing the monitoring and assessment of establishments’ effects on the environment and public health. They also address the authorization process for establishments with significant impacts on neighbouring states, emphasising compliance with emission limits and environmental standards. One key aspect of the legislation is the requirement for detailed environmental impact assessments for classified establishments, ensuring a thorough evaluation of direct and indirect effects on the surrounding areas.

    Loi du 7 décembre 2016 portant approbation de la Convention européenne pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique ouverte à la signature le 16 janvier 1992 à la Valette

    This legislation focuses on the protection of archaeological heritage within the European context. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding archaeological sites, structures, and artefacts as sources of collective memory and historical study. The document outlines measures for the physical protection, conservation, and maintenance of archaeological heritage, including the establishment of reserve zones and appropriate storage facilities for artefacts. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the need for international cooperation in heritage conservation. It encourages the exchange of expertise and experiences among European countries to reduce risks of degradation and promote conservation efforts.

    Loi du 24 avril 2016 portant approbation de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine architectural de l’Europe ouverte à signature le 3 octobre 1985 à Grenade

    This legislation focuses on the preservation and promotion of architectural heritage across Europe. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding historical buildings, sites, and monuments to maintain their cultural and historical significance. The document highlights the need for legal frameworks to protect architectural heritage, including the establishment of conservation policies and procedures. Furthermore, the legislation stresses the significance of public participation and associations in heritage conservation efforts. It encourages collaboration between governmental bodies, cultural institutions, and the public to ensure effective preservation and management of architectural heritage. The document also underlines

    Loi du 29 mars 2016 modifiant la loi du 13 septembre 2012 portant création d’un pacte climat avec les communes

    This legislation focuses on the certification of personnel involved in railway safety within the context of environmental sustainability. It outlines specific subsidies allocated based on population size and certification dates, with capped amounts to support these initiatives. The document also addresses the regulatory framework for railway operations, emphasising interoperability, safety standards, and the certification process for railway staff. In the realm of heritage, this legislation plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting the historical significance of railway infrastructure and operations. By ensuring that certified personnel adhere to stringent safety

    Règlement grand-ducal du 15 janvier 2016 établissant les sources à consulter par les organismes bénéficiaires pour la détermination du statut d’oeuvre orpheline

    This legislation addresses the determination of orphan work status, focusing on the sources that organisations must consult for this purpose. It outlines the diligent search criteria for orphan works, including specific sources like legal deposits, library catalogues, and author associations. The document emphasises the importance of thorough research to ascertain the orphan status of works across various mediums, such as books, periodicals, visual arts, audiovisual materials, and phonograms. By establishing a comprehensive list of sources to consult, the legislation aims to provide clarity and guidance to entities dealing with orphan

    Loi du 27 novembre 2015 modifiant la loi modifiée du 9 janvier 1998 portant transposition de la directive 93/7/CEE du 15 mars 1993

    This legislation focuses on the restitution of cultural property that has been illicitly removed from the territory of a European Union member state. It addresses the transposition of EU directives related to the return of such cultural items and the technical specifications for public infrastructure supporting electric mobility. The document outlines the responsibilities of distribution network managers and sets conditions for fair compensation in cases of cultural property restitution. It also includes provisions for the exchange of information between competent authorities and the definition of public collections under the law.

    Loi du 10 février 2015 portant transposition de la directive 2011/77/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 septembre 2011 modifiant la directive 2006/116/CE

    This legislation focuses on the transposition of a European Union directive into Luxembourg law regarding copyright protection duration. It introduces amendments that impact various aspects of copyright law, particularly concerning music compositions, film fixations, and artist rights. The law specifies that protection for music compositions with lyrics ends 70 years after the death of the last surviving relevant individual. Additionally, it outlines that film producers’ rights expire 50 years after the first lawful publication. Furthermore, the amendments address the termination of contracts by artists, ensuring they cannot waive their right

    Loi du 17 décembre 2014 portant approbation de la Convention concernant les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l’importation, l’exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens culturels, adoptée par la Conférence générale de l’UNESCO à sa seizième session, à Paris, le 14 novembre 1970

    This legislation focuses on the protection of cultural heritage by addressing the illicit import, export, and transfer of cultural property. It aims to prevent the depletion of national cultural heritage through the establishment of measures to regulate the movement of important cultural artefacts. The document emphasises the need for collaboration between states to combat the illegal trade of cultural items and highlights the importance of ethical principles in managing cultural collections. One key aspect of the legislation is the requirement for states to create inventories of significant cultural items, both

    Règlement grand-ducal du 12 décembre 2014 portant institution d’une Commission nationale pour la coopération avec l’UNESCO

    This legislation establishes a national commission dedicated to collaborating with UNESCO, focusing on education, science, and culture. The commission’s primary functions include advising the government on UNESCO programs, promoting UNESCO messages, and monitoring the protection and evolution of heritage elements recognized by UNESCO. Comprising 26 members from various sectors, the commission aims to facilitate national contributions to UNESCO consultations and coordinate with the network of national commissions for UNESCO. The commission’s role extends to engaging governmental and non-governmental entities, as well as individuals interested in UNESCO-related matters. It includes representatives

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