Decreto Ministeriale 18 aprile 2012, “Adozione linee guida per la costituzione e la valorizzazione dei parchi archeologici” (Ministerial Decree of 18 April 2012, ‘Adoption of Guidelines for the Establishment and Enhancement of Archaeological Parks)
The Decreto Ministeriale del 18 aprile 2012, “Adozione delle linee guida per la costituzione e la valorizzazione dei parchi archeologici,” establishes comprehensive guidelines for the creation and enhancement of archaeological parks in Italy. This decree, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale on August 2, 2012, aims to provide a structured approach to preserving and promoting Italy’s rich archaeological heritage. The guidelines emphasise the importance of defining essential characteristics, objectives, and procedures for the development and management of archaeological parks. These elements are crucial for ensuring high-quality standards and protecting the cultural,