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  • Decreto Ministeriale 18 aprile 2012, “Adozione linee guida per la costituzione e la valorizzazione dei parchi archeologici” (Ministerial Decree of 18 April 2012, ‘Adoption of Guidelines for the Establishment and Enhancement of Archaeological Parks)

    The Decreto Ministeriale del 18 aprile 2012, “Adozione delle linee guida per la costituzione e la valorizzazione dei parchi archeologici,” establishes comprehensive guidelines for the creation and enhancement of archaeological parks in Italy. This decree, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale on August 2, 2012, aims to provide a structured approach to preserving and promoting Italy’s rich archaeological heritage. The guidelines emphasise the importance of defining essential characteristics, objectives, and procedures for the development and management of archaeological parks. These elements are crucial for ensuring high-quality standards and protecting the cultural,

    Piano regionale integrato infrastrutture e mobilità (PRIIM) – Regional integrated infrastructure and mobility plan

    The Integrated Regional Plan for Infrastructure and Mobility (PRIIM) of Tuscany, established under Regional Law 55/2011, is a strategic framework for coordinating infrastructure, mobility, and transport policies. The plan aligns with the objectives of the Regional Development Program 2011–2015 and includes multi-sectoral strategies, reflecting broader European and national policy goals. It integrates transportation, environmental sustainability, and technological innovation within the region. The PRIIM emphasizes the need for a cohesive approach to address infrastructure gaps and enhance interconnectivity. It identifies critical interventions across road networks, ports, airports, public transport systems, and

    Piano territoriale regionale dell’Emilia-Romagna (Regional Territorial Plan)

    The Emilia-Romagna Regional Territorial Plan is composed of 4 documents. For the purposes of the Policy Monitor, only the first and second parts are summarised. The Emilia-Romagna Regional Territorial Plan, titled “An Attractive Region in a Changing World,” aims to position the region as a leader in sustainable and inclusive development. The plan emphasizes balancing economic growth with environmental preservation, innovation, and social cohesion while addressing the challenges of globalization, demographic shifts, and climate change. Key strategies include promoting technological innovation, renewable energy, and sustainable urban planning. It seeks to

    Norme in materia di beni e attività culturali delle Marche

    This legislative text aims to enhance and promote the cultural heritage of the Marche region. It establishes a comprehensive framework for the preservation, management, and promotion of cultural assets, ensuring their accessibility and sustainability. The law outlines the responsibilities of regional and local authorities in safeguarding cultural heritage, fostering a collaborative approach to cultural management. The text emphasises the importance of integrating cultural heritage into the broader context of regional development. It supports initiatives that enhance the visibility and appreciation of cultural sites, including museums, libraries, archives, and archaeological areas.

    Legge regionale 16 febbraio 2010, n. 12 Norme di riordino e semplificazione in materia di valutazione ambientale strategica e valutazione di impatto ambientale, in attuazione dell’ articolo 35 del decreto legislativo 3 aprile 2006, n. 152 (Norme in materia ambientale) e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni (Regional Law February 16, 2010 , no. 12 Norms of reorganization and simplification in the field of strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment, in implementation of ‘Article 35 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of April 3, 2006 (Environmental Regulations) and subsequent amendments and additions)

    The Regional Law of Umbria No. 12, enacted on February 16, 2010, titled “Norms for the Reorganization and Simplification in Matters of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment,” aims to streamline and enhance environmental evaluation processes within the region. This legislation aligns with Article 35 of Legislative Decree No. 152 of April 3, 2006, which addresses environmental regulations at the national level. The law stipulates that the evaluation processes, including Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS) and Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA), must consider plans or programs that could have significant impacts

    Legge Regionale 2 febbraio 2010, n. 5 Norme in materia di valutazione di impatto ambientale (Regional Law February 2, 2010 , no. 5 Regulations on environmental impact assessment)

    The “Regional Law February 2, 2010, No. 5” governs the procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA) and verification of project applicability to VIA in the Lombardy region. It delineates the responsibilities of regional, provincial, and municipal authorities, aligning regional laws with EU and national standards to ensure environmental protection, sustainability, and cultural heritage preservation. This law defines clear processes for identifying competent authorities for VIA procedures, specifying the regional government’s role in projects of significant scale or located in sensitive areas, such as major lakes and natural reserves. Procedural simplifications

    Norme per la valorizzazione del paesaggio

    This law outlines comprehensive measures aimed at preserving cultural heritage while promoting sustainable development. It provides a detailed framework for the reuse and rehabilitation of existing buildings, focusing on urban regeneration and the conservation of historical sites. The initiative seeks to balance the preservation of cultural identity with the need for modernisation and environmental sustainability. Key points include the promotion of energy-efficient practices and the reduction of soil consumption through the adaptive reuse of buildings. The text highlights the importance of integrating green technologies and sustainable materials in restoration projects.

    DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42. Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, ai sensi dell’articolo 10 della legge 6 luglio 2002, n. 137 (Legislative decree of January 22, 2004. Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, pursuant to Article 10 of Law 137 of 6 July 2002)

    The “Decreto Legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42” (Legislative Decree of January 22, 2004, No. 42) establishes the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape in Italy. This decree serves to safeguard, preserve, and enhance Italy’s rich cultural heritage and landscapes, recognizing their fundamental role in national identity and societal well-being. The decree covers a comprehensive framework for the identification, protection, conservation, and valorization of cultural properties. It defines cultural heritage as including immovable and movable items of artistic, historical, archaeological, ethno-anthropological, archival, and bibliographical interest, as well as other assets

    Disciplina Organica degli Interventi Regionali di Promozione Culturale – Regione Campania

    This law outlines a comprehensive framework for promoting cultural initiatives in the Campania region. It aims to foster the development of citizens’ personalities and the civil progress of the community by supporting a wide range of cultural activities. The framework establishes a coordinated system to enhance cultural participation and ensure the preservation and promotion of regional heritage. The initiatives include study and documentation related to cultural heritage, as well as organising conferences, exhibitions, and festivals. There is a strong emphasis on recovering and promoting the history and traditions of Campania.

    LEGGE 7 marzo 2001, n. 78 Tutela del patrimonio storico della Prima guerra mondiale (Law no. 78 of 7 March 2001 Protection of the historical heritage of the First World War)

    The legislation titled “LEGGE 7 marzo 2001, n. 78” aims to protect and preserve the historical heritage of World War I. It underscores the importance of recognizing and maintaining various relics from the conflict, including forts, trenches, monuments, and military artefacts. This law emphasises the need for a collaborative effort between the state, regions, and various organisations to ensure these historical assets are preserved for educational and commemorative purposes. The law establishes a framework for the identification, cataloguing, maintenance, and restoration of World War I relics. It specifically mentions the

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