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  • Règlement grand-ducal du 9 octobre 2019 relatif à l’exercice de la mission d’encadrement des archives publiques par les Archives nationales

    This legislation establishes a framework for the supervision of public archives by the National Archives in Luxembourg. It outlines the process for conducting inspections upon request by archive producers or holders, with subsequent reporting and recommendations provided by the National Archives. Additionally, it sets up a network of archival professionals coordinated by the National Archives to enhance archival practices and promote the professionalisation of archivists within the Luxembourgish State. The regulation emphasises the importance of maintaining and improving the management, conservation, and accessibility of public archives. It aims to ensure

    Règlement grand-ducal 9 octobre 2019 fixant les modalités d’établissement des tableaux de tri, de destruction d’archives, de versement et de transfert d’archives

    This legislation establishes comprehensive guidelines for the management of public and private archives in Luxembourg, aiming to preserve the nation’s cultural heritage. It outlines procedures for the establishment of retention schedules, transfer of archives to cultural institutes, and the destruction of outdated public archives. The document emphasises collaboration between Archives nationales and archive producers to ensure efficient management and preservation of historical records. One of the key aspects addressed in the legislation is the process of proposing public archives for transfer, which involves detailed documentation and agreement between the parties

    Loi du 23 septembre 2018 modifiant la loi du 24 février 1984 sur le régime des langues

    This legislation introduces significant changes to the language regime in Luxembourg, specifically recognizing German sign language as an official language. Individuals with hearing impairments now have the right to use sign language when interacting with state administrations, ensuring better accessibility and inclusivity. Moreover, residents with hearing impairments are entitled to free sign language learning sessions, enhancing their communication abilities and promoting linguistic diversity within the community. The law also mandates that students with hearing impairments have the opportunity to receive education in sign language, ensuring their educational needs are met

    Loi du 18 juillet 2018 concernant la protection de la nature et des ressources naturelles

    This legislation focuses on the protection of nature and natural resources, emphasising the preservation of environmental integrity, landscapes, and habitats. It outlines strict regulations for projects impacting protected species or their habitats, requiring authorization and potential mitigation measures. Additionally, it mandates that new constructions align with green zone purposes, allowing only essential developments for specific activities. Furthermore, the law establishes a comprehensive national nature protection plan, guiding conservation efforts and action plans for habitats and species. It emphasises the importance of evaluating impacts before and after work, with compulsory compensatory

    Loi du 17 août 2018 sur l’archivage

    This legislation focuses on the management and preservation of archives in Luxembourg, aiming to safeguard the national archival heritage and promote transparency in democratic processes. It outlines the definition of archives, distinguishing public archives produced by state administrations and services. The law emphasises the importance of access to historical, scientific, cultural, and societal documentation for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. One key aspect of the legislation is the establishment of guidelines for the collection, preservation, classification, and communication of archives of national interest. It mandates the National Archives to provide

    Loi du 20 juillet 2018 relative à la promotion de la langue luxembourgeoise

    This legislation focuses on the promotion and preservation of the Luxembourgish language, emphasising its cultural significance and heritage value. It establishes key institutions like the Permanent Council for the Luxembourgish Language (CPLL) and the Luxembourgish Language Center to oversee language policies and implementation. The law aims to strengthen the importance of the Luxembourgish language, support its use and study, encourage language learning, and promote cultural activities in Luxembourgish. One of the central aspects of the legislation is the creation of a comprehensive language policy that spans various government sectors. This

    Loi du 15 mai 2018 relative à l’évaluation des incidences sur l’environnement

    This legislation focuses on the evaluation of environmental impacts, emphasising the protection of natural resources and heritage sites. It outlines detailed procedures for assessing the potential effects of projects on the environment, including considerations for biodiversity, cultural heritage, and landscape preservation. The document highlights the importance of sustainable resource management and the mitigation of negative impacts through proactive measures. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the requirement for project proponents to provide comprehensive descriptions of their initiatives, including proposed measures to avoid or minimise adverse effects on heritage

    Loi du 25 avril 2018 relative à la gestion collective des droits d’auteur et des droits voisins et l’octroi de licences multiterritoriales de droits sur des œuvres musicales en vue de leur utilisation en ligne dans le marché intérieur et portant modification de la loi modifiée du 18 avril 2001 sur les droits d’auteur, les droits voisins et les bases de données

    This legislation from Luxembourg focuses on the collective management of copyright and neighbouring rights, as well as the issuance of multi territorial licences for online use of musical works within the internal market. It introduces requirements for collective management organisations to report on their governance structure, financial information, and relationships with other entities. The law mandates that these organisations obtain authorization and approval from the relevant ministry, with strict criteria for eligibility and renewal. One of the key aspects of this legislation is the emphasis on transparency and accountability in

    Règlement grand-ducal du 21 décembre 2017 relatif aux modalités d’administration de l’Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg

    This legislation outlines the framework for the administration of the Grand-Ducal Institute of Luxembourg, emphasising the roles and responsibilities of key personnel within the Institute. It establishes the positions of President, Secretary General, and section leaders, defining their functions in managing the Institute’s affairs. The document highlights the decision-making processes, meeting protocols, and the preservation of the Institute’s libraries and collections at the National Library of Luxembourg. The President of the Institute is tasked with overseeing common interests, financial matters, and convening and presiding over meetings. In case of absence,

    Loi du 21 décembre 2017 concernant l’Institut grand-ducal

    This legislation establishes the Grand-Ducal Institute and its sections, focusing on promoting research, artistic initiatives, and cultural heritage in Luxembourg. The Institute serves as a platform for scholars and artists to collaborate, exchange knowledge, and publish their works. Sections within the Institute, such as historical, scientific, linguistic, and artistic, operate as distinct entities with specific objectives and governance structures. Membership in the sections is based on significant contributions to scientific, cultural, or artistic fields, fostering a community of experts in various domains. Financial resources are allocated by the Minister of

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