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  • Motion 2016/17:607 Bevaranderätt för rörligt kulturarv (Preservation rights for movable cultural heritage)

    This legislation aims to strengthen the preservation rights for Sweden’s mobile cultural heritage, emphasizing the critical role of civil society in managing and preserving this heritage. The motion proposes a collaborative effort between the government and civil society to develop policies that support the protection, usage, and development of mobile cultural heritage. Key points include the need to mitigate the restrictive impacts of current government and municipal regulations, which often hinder preservation efforts. The legislation suggests implementing protective measures against intentional or unintentional bureaucratic obstacles that complicate the maintenance of

    Government Bill 2013/14:206 Herrelösa verk i kulturarvsinstitutionernas samlingar (Orphan works in the collections of cultural heritage institutions)

    The Bill presents proposals that will facilitate the digitisation and dissemination of cultural heritage in situations where the rightsholder of a work is unknown or cannot be reached and it is therefore not possible to obtain permission for its use. Works whose copyright holders are unknown or cannot be reached are referred to in the proposal as orphan works. A new restriction on copyright will allow cultural heritage institutions such as archives, libraries and museums, as well as broadcasters with a public service mission, to digitise works that are considered

    Proposition 2012/13:96 Kulturmiljöns mångfald (Diversity of the cultural environment)

    The Bill proposes new national objectives for cultural environment work. The provisions aim to ensure that current and future generations have access to a diversity of cultural environments. It focuses on diversifying the preservation and interpretation of Sweden’s cultural heritage. It stresses the importance of including perspectives from different social, ethnic, and cultural groups to reflect the country’s evolving identity. The law also proposes enhanced collaboration between national, regional, and local authorities for effective cultural management. It encourages public participation in heritage conservation and advocates for sustainable approaches to ensure

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