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  • Edital n.º 975/2021, de 27 de agosto: Regulamento Municipal de Atribuição da Distinção «Lugares com História» (Notice no. 975/2021, of 27 August: Municipal Regulation for the Award of the ‘Places with History’ Distinction)

    The regulation presented in this document outlines the rules for the application and awarding of the distinction “Lugares com História” (Places with History) by the Guimarães Municipal Council. It aims to recognize establishments and entities of historical, cultural, or local social interest that stand out for their unique characteristics. The criteria for evaluation include factors such as geographical continuity, originality of activities, and contribution to the local community’s identity. The regulation empowers the Municipal Council to resolve any doubts or omissions that may arise. Furthermore, the regulation emphasises the importance

    Plano Estratégico Municipal Para a Cultura 2030, 2021-2031 (Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030, 2021-2031)

    The Funchal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 (2021-2031) outlines the cultural vision for the city of Funchal in 2031, focusing on strategic planning for the next decade. It aims to establish a multidisciplinary action plan with specific objectives to foster the structured cultural development of the municipality. Collaboration with cultural agents, associations, and entities is emphasised to ensure continuous project development based on research-action principles. The plan serves as a planning tool for cultural policies, emphasising collaboration and consultation processes to shape the city’s cultural landscape. The strategic plan

    Lei n.º 27/2021, de 17 de maio: Carta Portuguesa de Direitos Humanos na Era Digital (Law no. 27/2021, of 17th May: Portuguese Charter on Human Rights in the Digital Age)

    This law approves the Portuguese Charter on Human Rights in the Digital Age, which outlines the rights and measures to ensure access to digital tools and platforms for the population, particularly for vulnerable citizens. It emphasises the freedom of expression and creation in the digital environment, without censorship, and participation in international efforts to keep cyberspace open. The document prohibits intentional interruption of internet access and protects against misinformation, with measures for public promotion of digital use. It also addresses the right to data protection, including encryption and protection of

    Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 50/2021, de 11 de maio: Rede Portuguesa de Arte Contemporânea (Council of Ministers Resolution no. 50/2021, of 11 May: Portuguese Contemporary Art Network)

    This Resolution creates the Portuguese Contemporary Art Network and the role of the Curator for the State Contemporary Art Collection. It establishes specific goals for the Network that relate to the decentralisation of artistic activity, the mobilisation of artists, curators and other art-related professionals, the development of pluridisciplinary projects at the national and international level, and the promotion of partnerships with international networks. Furthermore, it determines that the mission of the Curator is, among other things, to coordinate the Commission for the Acquisition of Contemporary Art and to develop a

    Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 49/2021, de 11 de maio: Programa de Investimentos para o Património Cultural (Council of Ministers Resolution no. 49/2021, of May 11: Investment Programme for Cultural Heritage)

    This Resolution presents a comprehensive overview of the Program of Investments for Cultural Heritage in Portugal. It outlines the government’s commitment to preserving and promoting the country’s cultural heritage as a fundamental component of sustainable development and competitiveness. The document emphasises the significance of cultural heritage in strengthening national identity and fostering social cohesion. It highlights the urgent need for structured investment in the rehabilitation and preservation of Portugal’s cultural heritage sites, including museums, palaces, and monuments. The program aims to address the pressing need for interventions in the preservation

    Decreto-Lei n.º 29-B/2021, de 4 de maio: Modelo de governação dos fundos do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (Decree-Law 29-B/2021 of 4 May: Governance model for the Recovery and Resilience Plan funds)

    This decree-law establishes the governance model for the European funds allocated to Portugal through the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), which aims to create a path of sustained growth, towards a more robust, more cohesive and more sustainable future. It establishes the organic, strategic and operational structure for the monitoring and implementation of the RRP for the 2021-2026 period and the exercise of management, monitoring, follow-up, evaluation, control, auditing and information system for reporting and transmitting data to the European Commission. The Interministerial Commission has the following competencies, among others:

    Investimento RE-C04-i02: Património Cultural

    Investment RE-C04-i02 is one of two different investments of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan that focus on Culture and refers to Cultural Heritage. This investment is divided into three different measures: 1- Requalification and conservation of state museums, monuments and palaces 2- Renovation of National Theatres 3- Implementation of the Saber Fazer Programme It establishes that, under the first measure, work will be carried out on classified cultural heritage throughout the country, covering a universe of 46 museums, palaces and monuments, including emblematic monuments and museums such as the

    Investimento RE-C04-i01: Redes Culturais e Transição Digital

    Investment RE-C04-i01 is one of two different investments of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan (PRR) that focus on Culture and refers to Cultural Networks and Digital Transition. This investment has three main objectives: 1 – The modernisation of the technological infrastructure of the network of public cultural facilities 2 – The digitisation of arts and heritage 3 – The internationalisation, modernisation and digital transition of books and authors Through these measures, this investment at national level will, firstly, enable the network of cultural facilities to become technologically equipped with

    Estratégia de Longo Prazo para a Renovação dos Edifícios, ELPRE (Long-Term Strategy for Building Renewal)

    The document outlines a Long-Term Strategy for Building Renovation (ELPRE) in alignment with the EU Directive 2010/31/UE, focusing on energy performance and decarbonization goals. The strategy requires Member States to establish a long-term plan to support the renovation of residential and non-residential buildings by 2050, aiming for a decarbonized and highly energy-efficient building stock. This transformation includes converting existing buildings into Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) and setting indicative targets for 2030, 2040, and 2050 to meet EU energy efficiency objectives. To develop and implement the ELPRE, an analysis of energy

    Programa Regional dos Açores 2021-2027

    The Azores Regional Programme 2021-2027 outlines four strategic objectives aimed at fostering social cohesion, digital and ecological advancement, transparent governance, and global recognition of the Azores. These objectives align with the overarching goals of the European Union, promoting integrated social, economic, and environmental development, particularly in areas with low population density. The Programme emphasises the importance of inclusivity and sustainability, ensuring that investments contribute positively to local communities and adhere to European quality standards. The Programme places significant emphasis on the protection, development, and promotion of cultural heritage and tourism.

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